政府工作报告(Day 905-911)

Day 911, 08:02 Published in China China by eChina

政府工作报告(Day 905-911)

中文版 | English Version



1、 国防军开始整编工作

国防军近几个月的组织散漫,是全体国民都关系的一个话题。自Day 906起,国防部开始对CNDA的整编工作。本次整编由CNDA新任军长zealou s.b负责。整编开始后,对原有CNDA军人重新登记。公布了CNDA军编制草案,初 步确定了CNDA军人的条件、组织结构、纪律和奖励制度。于Day 907开始招收新军人。Day 908,公布了五支分队的队长,分队以军衔为标准划分。截至Day 909,CNDA第一批整编名单出炉,共包括约90名军人,分为7个作战团。Day 910,国防部公布了CNDA军管理规定暨报名办法,将力量要求从原来的7力量改为6 力量以上。

【CNDA 整编】请所有原CNDA成员注意!整编开始!
【CNDA 整编】CNDA军编制草案
【CNDA整编】全 体国民注意,国防军招新开始!
【CNDA整编】 第一批整编分队名单和招收新兵要求更改公告!
【CNDA整编】 第一阶段整编宣布结束暨今晚活动公告!
【CNDA 整编】CNDA军管理管理规定暨报名办法!

2、 国会通过《私军国家化整编法案》引发争议

Day 907,国会表决通过了《私军国家化法案整编法案》。由于该法案对私军整编门槛设置过高,在民众间引发了争议。政府认为此法案为议员起草,许多条款并不适应政府的工作情况,因此总统wangxiaoyaII于Day 908提起了修改私军管理办法的讨论,该修改版本提出了私军与国军合作和私军整编两种方式。链接: [讨论]私军管理方法修改

Day 909,总统再次修改《私军管理办法》,供民众讨论。其中最重要的一条修改是,有关私 军的训练补助。具体列出了补助额度,对于积极与国 防军配合,能参与大部分战斗的(70%以上),补助与CNDA相当的补助额度(按人均 计算,下同)。参与度为30-70%左右的,补助标准为CNDA的补助标准的一半。低 于30%参与度的私军将不予以任何训练补助。链接: [讨论]私军管理方法修改v2


3、 4月内阁常规决算案和5月内阁常规预算案公布

(1) 四月内阁在e中国史上首次采用了预算、决算制度。4月内阁常规决算包括了福利部、教育 部、国防部、信息部、外交部、财政部的常规预算,其中纳入了公务员工资,国防部决算不 包含坦克金。链接: [财 政] 2010年4月内阁常规决算案 - Final State Accounts, April 2010。军费办公室决算见以下链接:

(2) 五月内阁常规预算案已经由国会通过。该预算案包括福利部、国防部与教育部的常规预算总 计14,200CNY 与 2284.81G,军费办公室开支另计为 1,300G,不包括国家公务员工资。CIA预算为10G。链接:[财 政] 2010年5月内阁常规预算案 - Regular Budget, May 2010


1. 央行分行

央行分行公布了Day 903-909的账户来往记录。链接:分行帐户来往记录Day903-909

2. 国防部

国防部人事变动,juzheng被任命为国防部副部长;zealous.b被任命为CNDA军长。链接:国防 部任命公告 Announcement

3. 福利部

福利部在黑龙江的铁厂开始运营,将作为采集新人的培训基地。链接:【福利部】福利部黑龙江铁厂 暨新人采集培训基地开业!

4. 教育部

(1) 教育部本周再次增加了人手,补充了原来稍显捉襟见肘的指导员队伍,并增加了每位指导员 的工作量。

(2) 下调了新人数据采集的等级下限,由原来的4级调整为3级,将指导面扩大到了原来的两倍 以上。

(3) 新开设了官方新人群,由指导员常驻。对新人提供直接的指导帮助。新 人群群号:82417078

5. 外交部

外交部招募到更多外交大使,于Day 907更新了外交大使名单。链接:【外交部MOFA】(Day 907) 外交大使任命更新 Update on the list of ambassadors

6. 信息部

(1) 第六期的城市论坛,由前总统solotar信息部副部长Dan delion Ou担当嘉宾。链接:『城市论坛』第六期


(2) 信息部尝试通过问卷调查的方式收集民众对政府的意见。此次问卷调查历时一周,采样330份。我们可以看出,采样范围仍然过小。这是信息部的一次探索,下一次问卷调查活动希望民众给予更多支持。调查结果链接: E中国五月问卷调查结果

(3) 信息部新开办【每周时评】栏目。该栏目将邀请特约撰稿人,分析国际、国内形势,每周出刊一期。本周是由国防部长mariohexu带来的文章。链接:【每周时评】e中国在eRepublik究竟实力如何

7. 科技部

中统和军统继续为大家带来人口和战斗数据的统计。链接:【中 统】中国人口统计报告/eChina Statistics Report 20100515 【军 统】中国公民在 Southern Transdanubia 作战伤害

English version:

Weekly Work Report of eChina Government from Day 905 to Day 911 (eRep Time)

Dear citizens,

Here is the weekly work report of eChina government from Day 905 to Day 911 (eRepublik time).

First, we will introduce several important issues in this week.


The recent disorganization of CNDA has been a hot topics among citizens. From day 906, the Ministry of SinoDefence has been working to reorganize CNDA. Led by zealous.b, the new CNDA Commander, the regulations on the army have been established, including new criteria of military personnel, army structure, discipline and awarding system. Recruitment started from day 907. Day 908, selection of the 5 regiment leaders announced, classified by the rank. Up to day 909, 90 members have been recruited in 7 regiments. Day 910, the Ministry published the management and recruitment procedure for CNDA, with the minimum strength requirement being relaxed from 7 to 6.

Relevant links:
[CNDA Reorganization] Reorganization Begins!
[CNDA Reorganization] Draft of the Act on Establishment of CNDA
[CNDA Reorganization] CNDA Recuiting Members!
[CNDA Reorganization] List of First Batch of Soldiers and Change on Reruitment Requirement!
[CNDA Reorganization] Completion of First Phase of Reorganization
[CNDA Reorganization] Act for Management of CNDA and Measures on Recruitment


On Day 907, the Congress adopted the Act for Nationalization of Private Armies. Because the standards for incorporation of private armies as set out under the Act were too stringent, dispute arose among the public. The government thought that this Act was drafted by a congress man, of which many clauses were not suitable for the current status of work of the government. Therefore, wangxiaoyaII, the Country President, launched a dicussion on Day 908 for amending the Act. This amendment included two methods for organization of arimes: cooperation between the private armies and the CNDA and the entire incorporation of the private armies into the CNDA. Link: [For Discussion] Measures for Management of Private Armies.

On Day 909, wangxiaoyaII further amended the Measures and released it for discussion among the public. One of the major amendments was the provision on the training allowance for private armies. This amendment specified the standards for different levels of training allowance: for private armies actively cooperating with the CNDA and participating in most battles (more than 70😵, a training allowance (per person, the same below) comparable to that of CNDA shall be paid; for private armies participating in 30-70% of the battles, the training allownace shall be half of that of CNDA; and private armies participating in less than 30% of the battles will be given no training allowance. Link: [For Discussion] Measures for Management of Private Armies V2.

Curerntly, the Measures are under further amendment and discussion.


(1) The Ministry of SinoFinance has adopted the finanical budgetting and reporting system for the month of April first time in the history of eChina. The final accounts of the April Cabinet cover the accounts of the Ministry of Welfare, SinoEducation, SinoDefence, Information, Foreign Affairs and SinoFinance, including the remunerations to civil servants. The final accounts of the Ministry of SinoDefence exclude the tanking cost, however. Link: [Ministry of SinoFinance]Final State Accounts, April 2010. The final accounts of the Office of Military Fund may be found through the following link:

(2) The regular budget of the May Cabinet has been passed in the congress. The budget includes the expenditures of 14,200CNY and 2284.81G for the Ministry of Welfare, SinoDefence and SinoEducation, and 1300G additional spending from the Office of Military Fund, excluding remunerations of civil servants. CIA has a budget of 10G. Link: [Ministry of SinoFinance] Regular Budget, May 2010

Other routine work:

1. Branch of PBoC

The Branch of PboC published its accounts current from Day 903 to Day 909. Link: Accounts Curernt of the Branch of PBoC from Day 903 to Day 909

2. Ministry of SinoDefence

Juzheng was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Defence and zoulous.b was appointed as the Commander of CNDA. Link: Announcement on Appointment of Officials

3. Ministry of Welfare

The Ministry of Welfare established an iron company in Heilongjiang, as the training base for new players. Link: [Ministry of Welfare] Heilongjiang Iron Company of the Ministry of Welfare Is Open!

4. Ministry of SinoEducation

(1) The Ministry has recruited new staff this week to fill the vacancy of instructors. The work load for each instructor has also been increased.

(2) The level limit of data collecting of new players have been lowered from level 4 to level 3, extending our service to twice of the original.

(3) A new QQ group for new players has been established and instructors would be online to provide help to new players. The group number is 82417078.

5. Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

On Day 907, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs updated the list of diplomats for May. Link: [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] (Day 907) Update on the List of Ambassadors

6. Ministry of Information

(1) In the sixth week of the City Forum, the Ministry of Information invited solotar, the former Country President, and Dandelion Ou, the Deputy Minister of Information, to be the guests. Link: [City Forum] Sixth Week

The links for the last five weeks of the City Forum are as follows:
[City Forum] Fifth Week
[City Forum] Fourth Week
[City Forum] Third Week
[City Forum] Second Week
[City Forum] First Week

(2) The Ministry of Information tried to collecte the public's opinions on the government through a survey. The survey lasted for a week and collected 330 samples, which were still not sufficient. This was an exploration of the Ministry of Information and we hope more citizens will support our next survey. The results of the survey may be found through the following link: Results of the Survey of eChina in May

(3) The Ministry of Information established a new column, the [Weekly Commentary on Currenty Events]. Under this column, we would invite special contributors to express their opinions on the situation of eChina and the world. This week, mariohexu, the Minister of Defence, wrote an article on the current strenthen of eChina in the New World. Link: [Weekly Commentary on Current Events] Strengthen of eChina in the New World

7. Ministry of Technology

The Ministry of Technology continued to provide the population statistic and military statistics.

Translated by Rtwo & Dandelion Ou

欢迎大家通过信息部组织号MaxHoToDandelion Ou的信箱对信息部的工作提出意见和建议。
Please give your recommendations on the work of the Ministry of Information by a PM to the organization eChina, or to MaxHoTo and Dandelion Ou.


国防部 Ministry of SinoDefence | 财政部 Ministry of SinoFinance
央行 PBoC Records | 分行 Branch of PBoC Records
教育部 Ministry of SinoEducation | 福利部 Chinese Welfare
外交部 Chinese Diplomatic Corps | 信息部 eChina News
CIA CIA Press | 科技部: 中统 | 军统