政府工作报告(Day 898-904)

Day 904, 05:45 Published in China China by eChina

政府工作报告(Day 898-904)

中文版 | English Version



1、 国家资助较低等级玩家飞往黑龙江

由于辽宁局势不稳,政府组织的移民工作于Day 899方才正式开始。这里,我们对工作的延迟表示抱歉,并对 之前已经自费移动到黑龙江的公民们,致以诚挚的谢意和崇高的敬意!此次移民工 作由福利部与教育部联合组织,第一批向4-14级的玩家发放Q1机票。 Day 902,第二期工作开始,将资助范围扩大到7-16级。接下来还会继续有第三期第四期 ,直到黑龙江这个边陲军事经济大省有个安全可靠的初始墙高。
链接: 【福利部与教育部】告全体国 民书!移民黑龙江发放机票开始了!!
【福利部】全体国民请注意, 第二班飞往黑龙江的免费客机即将起飞!

2、 汇市再次展开大战

在我国进攻辽宁之前,汇市提前闻风而动,炒家再一次对CNY下手。为了应对炒家的进攻 ,央行发布了公告,号召全体国民以1:0.02的汇率大量挂0.01CNY的单,以打 压炒家。同时,号召国民将闲置CNY以1:0.021的汇率挂单,以守住0.021防 线。为了不影响国民正常的CNY需求,央行请拥有中国国籍的国民用中文与央行PM联络 ,央行将接受小额(5G以内)的平价(1G=50 CNY)交换。


1. 财政部

财政部发布了e中国军费办公室决算案。e中国军费办公室成立于四月内阁的任期内。此次 决算包括了MPP费用、黑龙江作战的坦克费、吉林的进攻费用以及配合盟友封锁俄罗斯所 发生的费用。 链接:e中国军费办公室决算



2. 央行分行

央行分行公布了Day 896-902的账户来往记录。链接:分行账户来往记录Day896-902

3. 国防部

(1) 国防部对国家未来的军事体制进行了介绍,并介绍了五月国防部架构。国防部长将 只负责策略性工作。各党军、私军将编为独立军、旅,参加联席会议。各军、旅自己负责人 员管理等工作。为了加强军队的管理,国防部公开招募CNDA指挥官、CNDA团长、军 事统计师、武器储备负责人和副防长。
链接: 国家未来军事体制介绍 暨 五月国防部架构

(2) 解放辽宁的枪声打响,国防部动员全民参战,并组织了发枪活动。由于领枪人数众 多,我们并未能在第一时间将武器送到各位国民手中。请大家体谅发枪操作员的辛苦,继续 支持国防部的工作!

4. 福利部

(1) 福利部公布了4月的账目。链接:福利部本月账目

(2) 在新一周的工作中,福利部进行了小规模的人事重新安排和公司的开工安排,积极与教育部 等其他部门沟通与合作。

(3) 在D900换日后,因市场1星面包突然走高,福利部紧急出售500个面包压价,由此引发了一定的非议,福利部表示将吸取教训。链接: 【福利部】出售q1面 包公告!(接受问责,有问必回)

(4) 福利部计划开设Q1铁厂,作为新的采集工福利厂,目前在议会表决阶段。

(5) 在开除优秀的福利厂滞留员工上,加大了力度,并在开除的同时PM一封具有指导作用的开 除信。(感谢oolongtea帮助起草了这份开除信。)

同时,福利部对今后的工作有以下思路与想法:计划开设一家新的q1医院作为新的福利部 的建筑培养福利厂。目前建筑的q1房屋大量积压,准备通过一些新人活动,奖励给新人, 目前计划尚在构思阶段。但是,国家医院存量不足,而根据目前的资料,V2需要较多数量 的医院,所以福利部将探索建立Q1医院公司的可能性。

(以下是福利部长zealous.b的心得:工作上面就是这么多了,谈点感触,其实我 一开始也不想当部长,部长要记帐,记帐很麻烦,后来还是接下来了,工作起来也感觉并不 是那么麻烦,工作还算轻松,也许我的部员更辛苦点。现在一些国家部门还是需要人手的, 我希望有能力有时间的人,还是能主动的联系下,是不是能帮下点忙,EC的强大需要的是 更多做事的人而不是说话的人。)

5. 教育部

教育部公布了5月的工作计划。从5月起,教育部从福利部处接手了新人福利物资发放工作 。今后教育部组织号将直接对提出申请的新人发放福利物资,每月根据实际开支向财政部报 销 。
链接: 【教育部五月工作前瞻】

6. 外交部

(1) 外交部发布了4月下半月的工作报告,请大家移步观看。链接: 【外 交部MOFA】过去半个月工作报告 Half month report (Apr 22 – May 5, 2010)

(2) Day 902,外交部公布了5月外交人员名单。链接:【外交部MOFA】(Day 902) e中国外交部人员名单 List of Staff in MoFA of eChina

7. 信息部

(1) 第五期的城市论坛,由5月的三位总统候选人——wangxiaoyaII、Mingo2009和grace担当嘉宾。链接: 【城市论坛】第五期


(2) 信息部尝试通过问卷调查的方式收集民众对政府的意见。链接: [信息部] EC 5月问卷调查


English version:

Weekly Work Report of eChina Government from Day 898 to Day 904 (eRep Time)

Dear citizens,

Here is the weekly work report of eChina government from Day 898 to Day 904 (eRepublik time).

First, we will introduce several important issues in this week.


Due to instability in the Liaoning region, the government-organized migration started officially only on day 899. We sincerely apologize for the delay and express our highest gratitude to those who paid to travel to Heilongjiang themselves. The migration is co-organized by the Ministry of Welfare and Ministry of SinoEducation, with the first batch of Q1 tickets released to citizens between level 4 and 14. The second batch began on day 902, and citizens between level 7 and 16 were included. Further batches would be carried out until the Heilongjiang province has built up adequate defence against foreign invasion.



Before eChina's military campaign to liberate Liaoning, speculators have received news and initiated actions against CNY on the foreign exchange market. In response, PBoC has released notice to request every citizen to post sell order at the rate of 1:0.02 for an amount of 0.01CNY. In addition, citizens with spared CNY may sell at 1:0.021 in order to hold the 1:0.021 rate. To reduce disturbance, PBoC would sell CNY up to 5G per eChina citizen at the rate of 1:0.02. Applicants are required to post Gold offer on foreign exchange market, and then PM the request to PBoC in Chinese.


Other routine work:

1. Ministry of SinoFinance

The Ministry of SinoDefence has published the final accounts of the Office of eChina Military Expenditure. The office was founded within the April Cabinet's term of office. The accounts include MPP cost, tanking cost in Heilongjiang's operation, military expenditure in the battle of Jilin and the cost for blocking eRussia. Link:

The regular final accounts for the April Cabinet will be released soon. Please keep subscribed to the newspaper of the Ministry of SinoFinance.

The ministry has submitted the cabinet budget of May to the congress, which is in debate stage.

2. Branch of PBoC

The Branch of PboC published its accounts current from Day 896 to Day 902. Link: Accounts Curernt of the Branch of PBoC from Day 896 to Day 902

3. Ministry of SinoDefence

(1) The ministry has proposed a new structure for the army. Starting from May, the minister would concentrate on planning and strategy. Party armed forces and other private forces would be re-organized into independent armies and brigades, participate in the Joint Defence Committee and be responsible for their own management and logistics. In order to improve overall management, the ministry is openly recruiting commander and head of CNDA, military statistician, master of weapon reserve and Deputy Minister of SinoDefence.

Link: Introduction to the the Country's Military System and Structure of the Ministry of SinoDefence

(2) Around the end of Day 902, we attacked the Serbian-controlled Liaoning. The Ministry of Defence mobilized citizens to fight in Liaoning and released weapons to citizens.

4. Ministry of Welfare

(1) The Ministry of Welfare published the accounts in April. Link: Accounts of the Ministry of Welfare in April

(2) In this week, the ministry has re-deployed manpower and actively co-operated and communicated with the Ministry of SinoEducation and other ministries.

(3) At the very beginning of day 900, because of a sudden increase in the price of Q1 food, the Ministry of Welfare put 500 units on market to suppress the price. This action is controversial and the ministry would learn from this experience. Link: [Ministry of Welfare] Announcement on Sale of Q1 Food

(4) The Ministry of Welfare is planning to establish a Q1 Iron company, which will be the new welfare company for land workers. This proposal has been submitted to the congress for debate.

(5) The Ministry of Welfare made more efforts to dismiss skilled employees. Simultaneously with the dismissal, we sent everyone a dismissal letter with some guiding information. (Thanks oolongtea for drafting the dismissal letter.)

Meanwhile, for the future work, the Ministry of Welfare has new objectives for further development: (i) to open a Q1 hospital company, as the new welfare company for construction workers; and (ii) to award the Q1 houses in stock to new citizens through several activities. Both plans are conceptual and the Ministry of Welfare will endeavor to work them out.

(Personal feeling from zealous.b, the Minister of Welfare: Initially I did not want to become the minister, because the book keeping part is quite tedious. But in the end I have taken the job, and it does not seem to be as tedious as I anticipated. Perhaps my subordinates are the real busy guys. Still we and other ministries need more helping hands. I would ask those capable and time available citizens to contact us and offer us your help. A great eChina is only possible with more works rather than talks.)

5. Ministry of SinoEducation

The Ministry of Education published its work plan for May. From May onwards, the Ministry of Education took over from the Ministry of Welfare the work of rescue of new citizens. The organization Ministry of SinoEducation will donate rescue materials directly to those who submit applications. The monthly expendutures will be reimbursed by the Ministry of SinoFinance on an actual basis.
Link: [A Preview – Work of the Ministry of Education in May

6. Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

(1) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN published the work report for the second half of April. Please check the following link: [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] Half-month Work Report (Apr 22 - May 5, 2010)

(2) On day 902, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the list of diplomats for May. Link: [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] (Day 902) List of Staff in MoFA of eChina

7. Ministry of Information

(1) In the fifth week of the City Forum, the Ministry of Information invited the three candidates for president election in May, wangxiaoyaII, Mingo2009 and grace, to be the guests. Link: [City Forum] Fifth Week

The links for the last four weeks of the City Forum are as follows:
[City Forum] Fifth Week
[City Forum] Third Week
[City Forum] Second Week
[City Forum] First Week

(2) The Ministry of Information tried to collecte the public's opinions on the government through a survey. Link: [Ministry of Information] EC Survey in May.

The survey has not been closed yet. Please fill in your opinion through the following link: Thank you for your support!

Translated by Rtwo & juzheng, proofread by Dandelion Ou

欢迎大家通过信息部组织号MaxHoToDandelion Ou的信箱对信息部的工作提出意见和建议。
Please give your recommendations on the work of the Ministry of Information by a PM to the organization eChina, or to MaxHoTo and Dandelion Ou.


国防部 Ministry of SinoDefence | 财政部 Ministry of SinoFinance
央行 PBoC Records | 分行 Branch of PBoC Records
教育部 Ministry of SinoEducation | 福利部 Chinese Welfare
外交部 Chinese Diplomatic Corps | 信息部 eChina News
CIA CIA Press | 科技部: 中统 | 军统