[DAP] Party manifesto for the elections

Day 673, 16:59 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by DAP Fund

Democratic Action Party has been the leading party of eMalaysia and then FRoSEA for months now providing presidents and lots of congress members from our ranks while proving to be a stable, constructive and reliable force. We are proud to have been able to contribute significantly to the steady and continuous development of the country and intend to do so in the future as well for which we ask for your support in the upcoming congress elections. Most of our candidates are proven, long term citizens of FRoSEA who are active in-game and on the national forums as well and you can count on them also when it comes to helping the country with donations and other stuff.

DAP could be best described in a few words as a pro-free market centre party with a strong sense for social responsibility, but let's expand on it a bit:


DAP stands for a free market economy with low to moderate taxation and with rather minimal government intrusion limited to running training companies helping new users, channeling them into the appropriate sectors and in the meantime building out reserves from the most basic goods. We believe in protecting viable local industries by providing them a competitive advantage through import taxes but not in a completely protectionist tax policy. Still being a rather small country with limited monetary supply we also support a regulative monetary policy targeted at keeping the MYR stable.

Social Affairs, Society

We find helping new players of utmost importance. Active users are the key assets of every nation and the wellness, mentoring and relocation programs helping new users are extremely important to keep as many of them in the game as possible so they deserve full funding.
Attracting new players into the game and also immigrants from other e-countries both have our support. We find the open-minded, welcoming and friendly nature of our society one of our biggest assets. This doesn’t mean though that we don’t have to be vary of possible PTOs and so on and our congress members will act carefully when granting citizenships.

We believe in the importance of public discourse (be it in English, Malay or Thai) and support the community building out additional political structures, institutions, protocols on the basis provided by the game.

Foreign affairs

Democratic Action Party fully supports the country’s neutrality and continued membership in Sol and finds important further expanding our worldwide relations both through Sol (with a possible expansion of Sol in numbers as well) and alone. We value stability in the region high and think Sol is an ideal initiative for preserving that.


We support a more of a broad, militia-like military which is well structured and organized, but focuses mostly on defending our homeland and doesn’t eat a lot of money (spends minimal amount of money in peace time). We are not against foreign missions especially for helping friends but wouldn’t like to see a military that is a huge spender and carelessly jumps into dubious missions. In essence we support the current military organization.

Of course the Sol Games are very important for the development of our population and they should be continued as long as possible. We might even consider entering another war games too, if the two together could provide close to 24/7 coverage for us with regards to battles.

If you sympatize with our goals please feel free to join us in DAP and/or vote for our candidates on Friday (25th September) on the congress elections. We also welcome new members with open arms on our subforum at the national forums and in our chatroom (#DAP on rizon.net/chat).

In the following article we’ll present our official candidate list, so please stay tuned!🙂

Best regards,
(party president of DAP)