[Cyprus] Abolishment of the Commune System

Day 2,299, 16:19 Published in Cyprus USA by Kemal Ergenekon

Dear panpas, kekes and tsoglans,

We have calculated that the commune is not an efficient way of generating supplies under the current economic climate. We get 2 tanks per day per person at most, however working for, say, a Polish employer provides a wage income with which people can buy more than 2 tanks per day.

The commune not only increases the bureaucratic costs, but also provides less tanks per click. Hence we are going to shut down the commune. If the prices change in the future so that it is again profitable, we can re-establish it again.

Rauf will keep the gold for the infrastructure for the time being. We will decide what to do with it when a RM company discount arrives or when we need to use it.

I kiss you 😘
Minister of Econ