[Croatia] Some explanations ..

Day 1,046, 00:57 Published in Croatia India by Indian Foreign Affairs

My dear friends,

I understand that you might be surprised and may be to some extent annoyed over current change in eIndian Foreign Policy, especially concerning eUSA. As neighbors and friends, India owe you an explanation about these events.

I hope, this article will be welcomed with open heart and mind.

India's Foreign Policy

People around the world are confused, including eIndians that are we neutral? Are we on a side of EDEN or Phoenix? There is a simple answer to this question, like every other country or person, we are just PRO OURSELF or in our case we are PRO-INDIAN.

But does that mean, we can or will compromise our allies or friends or even neighbors for our benefits? Answer is again simple, NO . eIndia has never gone against any country who did not started conflict themselves first. Only possible exceptions you might state (not vaild though) are Invasion of ePakistan and Giving way to Serbia to Thailand. But are these examples really relevant ?

We invaded Pakistan to use RL tensions between our countries as an effort to create baby boom. As much as my understanding of game goes, BABY BOOM is of highest priority to any country. We had no other interest in Pakistan.

Regarding giving way to Serbia to Thailand, I don't know if you can believe this but Indians in general were always against it. I have log of meetings where we rejected this proposal. However what really happened is still not clear. eIndians protested, shouted, wrote articles, did everything they could but by that time, it was a lost cause. We fought them in Sindh and Pakistan lands.

Then? Foundation of eIndia remains on two pillars:
1) We shall look after our interests.
2) We shall not harm any country who doesn't harm us.

So next Issue is: India - USA relationship

USA is not a member of EDEN. There is no argument in the fact that USA and EDEN helped us to liberate our country. We are thankful to their support in this cause and will always keep this action worthy of highest degree of respect. However renting Karnataka to USA was not a help or support, it was a business deal. Both parties agreed because we both had something to gain. eIndians got upset when deadline of leaving Karnataka was n't met, for whatever reason there might be. But we appreciated and supported when they kept their word and returned our regions.

Please refer this article.

I would like to thank everyone, who fought for India and its independence. o7 to you all

Now comes the big issue of Renewing MPP with USA

Why Indian Foreign Affairs wrote an article in USA media and Indian media especially with post script? Simply because we tried to contact USA government and as mentioned in that article, we wanted to continue with our alliance and hold our advantage against Serbia of two MPPs activated . But we got no reply. We wanted this article to do two things:

1) Let eUSA citizens know that eIndia wishes to continue with our alliance but we were getting cold shoulder from your government.
2) Wanted this as a alarm, if they some how missed our messages in game and IRC.

Then why post script about Serbia?

Simple, because as I mentioned we must look after our protection first. If USA MPP expires Serbia will increase PTO or attack India. We must first protect our country. Now that Serbia has passed through India and we don't share direct border with them suddenly we are not allies to you? Your media mentions that India has no more interest to USA?

So when USA can look for its interests, why not India? We have some citizens on both sides who oppose and some who supports our alliance. Never the less, this is part of being in society.

Let's not get into this useless troll wars.

Are we turning our backs to our friends? Were we pro-EDEN? or We are now PRO-Phoenix?

No, we are not allies to Serbia. But yes, we would like to sign peace with them as USA refuses MPP with us . Do we have any other alternative? If yes, please do suggest !

To EDEN countries and Our Neighbors

I promise you on behalf of my country that eIndia will never compromise Independence and Integrity of its friends and neighbors. We request you that our strained relations with eUSA and signing peace with eSerbia shouldn't not be seen as hostile steps towards you. They are only necessary steps to protect our country.

eIndia is open and will always will be open to any friendship which is done on equal terms. We might be smaller but we are a proud nation.


Minister of Foreign Affairs