[CPF] Where are our Bros? Is the Brolliance in danger of falling apart?

Day 1,130, 23:39 Published in Canada Canada by In Tyler We Trust

Right now, I'm not sure what the civilian and US armed forces battle orders are. I don't know where their armed forces are fighting, openly, or in stealth. I don't know what their battle priorities are.

But I do know where they are not: Canada. And that saddens me, and frustrates me. The Canadian Progressive Front was one of the primary, if not THE primary agitator for the formation of the Brolliance over a year ago. And currently, we have no MPP with them - the first time, I believe, since the Brolliance was founded.

Why is this? Has the current administration lost sight of the value Brolliance? Has the TemujinBC government decided, that while the US is nice friendly nation to our south, the Brolliance is not needed, does not need to be nurtured? No friendship, no relationship can survive without nurturing and attention.

True, while the lack of an MPP does not necessarily mean these things, it does give that appearance. But why would we ally ourselves with a nation that our Brollliance partner, our founding partner, has declared war upon, and is currently annexing them? It seems that the priorities of the 2 found Brolliance nations are at odds, one employing an MPP with, and the other, annexing Mexico!

The value of the Brolliance, in the situation we currently find ourselves - some of our territories are under French occupation - is NOT of no importance. I would wager, and I do argue, that many Americans would have fought for us, alongside us, the original 2 Brolliance nations fighting hand in hand, side by side, against the French agressors, had the MPP between our nations not been dissolved. I would suggest that there are many eAmericans, whether or not because of the Brolliance, have a soft spot for us in their hearts. I believe they would have joined us, and perhaps even the US civilian orders would have been to defend Canada. Absent that, many would have fought alongside us anyhow.

But that is not possible, as we have no MPP with them, because of the apparent silliness of an MPP with Mexico. Mexico - which is now down to their last region and almost wiped off the map. Now we can only speculate what would have been, had we had an MPP from the beginning - would France have found it so easy, even possible, if the US had been able to intervene?

Is this a sign of the death of the Brolliance? Say it ain't so. The Canadian Progressive Front stands strongly behind the Brolliance and our American bros.

If the Brolliance is still of importance to you, why not consider voting for a CPF candidate in your region in today's congressional elections? The CPF's list of official candidates can help you choose who to vote for.

For another view on the current situation with our Mutual Protection Pacts and our traditional allies, I encourage you to read Funky Hum24n's article here.

The Canadian Progressive Front - Proud Supporters of the Brolliance.