[CP] The more things change...

Day 1,374, 05:34 Published in Australia USA by Majester

My fellow Australians,

Diplomatic disaster. Splindzaa and I were sharing a drink when we agreed that the Natural Enemy War had run its natural course. It is no longer of benefit to either of us and is detracting us from helping our allies with real wars. In a bold move, he agreed to propose No Natural Enemy first. A big act of trust. Australia returned the favour. New Zealand's congress passed their proposal, but our failed to vote in numbers to push it through. In a blind fear induced panic-attack, one of their congress members proposed and passed a new NE against Australia before we could rectify the situation. What a quandary.

If allowed to continue, this pointless war will drain us of resources for another seven days. This is bad for us, bad for our allies, and puts a spanner in our plans to bolster the Australian economy further. The only solution is for one of us to be wiped to end this fiasco as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately for New Zealand their team lost their last rugby game in an embarrassing defeat to the Green and Gold on Saturday. Technically not us, but they're our twin-bro's, so close enough.

Not our fault their team are pre-world cup chokers. Fate has spoken. It is nothing personal. You're it. We will be in and out a fast as possible. 48 hours if you cooperate.

Thank you for the fantastic training, but it must end now. We have places to be and people to beat.

Together we keep Australia moving forward towards a brighter tomorrow.

Your truly,

Prime Minister of Australia

Please Note: I need volunteers for the last days of my cabinet since the end-of-term resignations have hit. Foreign Affairs and Communication have opportunities. Contact me if you have some time to keep Australia great.