[CP] The Horde is coming

Day 1,434, 15:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by temujin94

So I heard some guy eDied today, Would you like some theme music?

This will be relevant to your interests before the article is over. Canada and more importantly Ireland had a great opportunity to sign peace to the 5th of November. Ireland in the end rejected it and now because of it we have been able to NE them with absolutely no MPP's. Jamesw's mirth was audible.

I don't know whether to blame Ireland, Canada or Jamesw for the past few days. Addy, who got Ireland to NE them so that Canada could get one extra resource bonus. This is to prevent the Canadian's flaying him for his 100/100 bonus promise. They also decided to perform this maneuver while America is getting destroyed on all sides and soon I predict to reach Canada itself. The crowning glory is that is also moves Ireland in to the front line of our assault. Then there is Ireland who made sure that Canada rejected the peace offer AND allowed Canada to durp all over them. How they must wish they could have prevent that attack for a extra 2 weeks! Though I may just blame Jamesw for being p terrible.

Today we're winning in a RW against Canada, winning in Louth, had time to put Baja as our CoTD and give Canada a close enough direct battle in SWoE. With Teden stretched once again you have to wonder how long Canada can keep up these extra two fronts. It's clear that they have overstretched and if they are attacked from North America it could be game over once again.

We have things much easier, we only have to contain Canada like we've been doing throughout this month. We now have the extra battles with Ireland but as the have 0 MPP's this will not be a big a drain of resources as it could have been. All we have to do is wait until Canada can no longer hold the wars open when they are being distracted by ONE forces in North America. Once that happens it will be just us and Ireland spending some alone time together yet again. Tea in Dublin anyone?

Prime Minister

I'll leave you with some final words of wisdom:
21:56 Iain_Keers .lp your mum
21:56 eRepublik :: YOUR MUM [1623724] :: Wellness 0.0 :: Strength 35.00 :: Rank Recruit [1] 0/15 points :: Level 7 (90 XP) :: Age 832 days :: Location Madrid, Croatia :: Citizenship Spain ::
21:56 Iain_Keers your mum has no wellness
21:56 Iain_Keers and she's f**king old