[CP] Some Updates

Day 1,093, 14:06 Published in Malaysia USA by Sir Hypnotoad

Malaysia, it's been some time.

As a matter of fact, I haven't addressed you since we regained all of our regions! I figured I should give you a few updates as to what is going on:

1) DO NOT FIGHT IN SABAH WITH GOLD! Only fight as much as you wish. We are forming a temporary (a few days) union with the Philippines. They have a goal, and Malaysia won't oppose it, nor support it in the strictest sense.

2) We may be getting a new MoF and MoD (not that we currently have any). More about this in the coming days

3) As some of you may know, Thanksgiving is coming up in about a week. I get very bust a few days before, and a few days after Thanksgiving, so don't expect me to be on all that much. I'll be digesting delicious turkey until Christmas 😉

Stay beautiful Malaysia