[CP] Onward Canada, Final Thoughts

Day 1,080, 09:38 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

As my month at the helm of Canada comes to an end, I find myself in a pensive mood. Some of my time leading the country this month went better than I expected, others elements were not as successful. Overall I would give myself a passing grade. Had my last two weeks been more like my original two, the final evaluation may have been more positive but recently things unrelated to the New World have had a tendency of interfering rather badly.

Victory Bonds.

Contrary to some ads you may have read, the Victory Bond program remains one of the safest investments you can make. The profits are guaranteed and so long as the public does not elect a thief, the principal is guaranteed as well. Right now the latest bond issue is only 32% sold out. There is a lot of room and I encourage everyone to participate until the deadline. Remember the correct organization to donate to is NBC Vault.

Presidential Pardon.

I have been approached a few times this month about granting presidential pardons to certain individuals. In each case I was not given a justification I thought warranted such a move. Saying that not granting a pardon will only lead to bad blood and bickering ignores that the initial acts themselves created precisely that. I do not believe it is the job of the public or the administration to cater to the immaturity of certain individuals when they act out and take advantage of the privileges granted to them.

Order of Canada.

One of the special responsibilities that a president possesses in this country is the ability to name or promote citizens to the Order of Canada. Personally, I do not take this list lightly and I put a lot of thought on whether or not I wished to expand membership at this time.
To be inducted as Members of the Order of eCanada:
Kronos Q
For leadership, contribution in Congress, administration of the forum and IRC as well as his work with the CAF, specifically with the Rangers.
For his contribution and legacy in politics and the formation of one the New World's premier paramilitary organizations.
Addy Lawrence
For leadership, excellence in providing economic advice and support to the Canadian government

War with the UK.

Well the population always asks for more war. This administration gave you more war. Unfortunately for me, I picked the wrong region as a goal (Wales). Not that it was not available to us to invade, it was, but strategic consideration and ally participation dictated a better course of action. I feel confident in saying that the war effort will continue under new administration and there is a method to the madness. Some specific goals are being pursued here and Canada will do its best to prevail. Bottom line we conquered 4 regions in my term and currently holding them nicely.


The currency is very strong, business is surviving, the treasury remains low. There is currently a long overdue debate going on in Congress about taxes and the economy in general. Two truths cannot be questione😛 one that Canada needs more revenue, two that our options as a small country are limited. Citizens will either have to accept substantially higher taxes or substantially lower salaries to continue as we have been.

Military funding.

What you have experienced in the past month was funding level as near to optimal as we can manage in present circumstances. The CAF could always use more, TCO generally deserves more for their exemplary capacity to inflict concentrated damage. However, for TCO to legitimately make their case, they will have to change a part of their ethos and culture. As inclusive as the CAF and TCO can be, they still amount to minority proportion of active citizens. If they are to be given public resources, then they become accountable to that public. Mercenary has to become employee and accountability has to become a way of operating the business. In the long run, if a compromise can be reached, everyone benefits.


Here I will single out Chochi, the Speaker of Congress. My term was made easier because of the exemplary work done by Chochi. Without agreeing with me all the time, he managed to build the trust and communication needed for Congress and the Executive to work well together. He provided transparency to the public without endangering the security or integrity of our interests. Finally he provided leadership in Congress that encouraged debate and I think a lot of progressive seeds where planted with him at the helm. He was the right man in position at the right time.


When I first decided to run for CP, I couldn’t even be sure I would secure my own party nomination. I did and once that happened I had their unconditional support. They were also willing to support me had I decided to run for re-election. So a big thank you to all of you for your trust and working with me to make things better.


This time I will single out Etemenanki. My term in office will have been dominated by monetary questions and the need to stop the bleeding and restore some flexibility to the treasury. That Etemenanki accepted to take on this role even with reservations was a blessing. He was the hardest working member of my team and it was an honour to work with him. Any future administration will be lucky to count him on their staff.

I will also thank Chucky Norris for his counsel and leadership on the war front. Also for his pressuring the admin to fix the bugs that held us back for a large portion of the month. I could not have done this without you and this term could have been disastrous without your help.

To the rest of my cabinet team... I unfortunately only scratched the surface of the talent and potential you all had. There are many reasons for this but bottom line the responsibility was mine and I missed an opportunity. If the occasion ever comes up again I would consider it an honour to work with each one of you once more.


Thank you Canada for trusting me and allowing me to put in place a team whose goals was start the healing process. Like I mentioned in previous CP updates, we may have been quiet but a lot of the base was rebuilt and made stronger. The new team that you will elect on the 5th will be able to hit the ground running and will be able to trust the assets passed on to them.

Personally I will be going back to private life. This is going to be the first time in a long while where I will not be involved in Congress. I also was not asked to be part of any kind of transition team so my doors are wide open. Maybe I will go back to the business side, maybe I will formally join a military group once more. Another popular thing appears to be taking a trip after finishing a term... that might be something I would consider although I may be too attached to all of you to enjoy that completely.

For the last time as your elected President Canada... a warm and heartfelt thank you, it was a pleasure serving you all.