[CP] Oh Canada

Day 1,425, 22:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by temujin94
We’ve won the battle for East Midlands which adds another battle on to the list of what has become a marathon battle between the UK and Canada. It was the 25th battle in which the end result has been that Canada hold one region which is of no strategic or economic value to either side. You then have to wonder, what the point of the battle is and why peace hasn’t been signed so we can concentrate on more important things.

It started when my government and congress along with Canada realised this battle was now going nowhere fast after Sweden had been removed from Canada which stopped our two-pronged attack. We realised we’ve been at war with either Canada or Ireland for a long, long period of time and perhaps it was time to settle it for a short while and go help our allies who have supported us for so long, without question.

It was a simple peace deal, we both get to keep our regions and we wont attack each other until the 5th of November. It suited both sides, Addy Lawrence wanted to pursue economic bonuses in other countries and we wanted to give some back for our allies. It was nearly agreed until Ireland became involved. They said the deal was too short and that it should last until 2012. We immediately refused and set the final date for the 5th of November.

I find it strange considering it would give the Irish full respite until the 5th which would have been welcome to a country occupied for so long. Even after the 5th we would have to hit Canada again and not Ireland so that would have been extended massively in how long it would be before they were attacked. Due to Irish influence the Canadian’s rejected the peace deal.

The Canadian CP then had the audacity to say that he would take East Midlands and not only take it but hold it against all Resistance Wars, something they have not been able to do since the war began. It seemed a strange policy to be involved in perpetual, unrewarding war from a CP that wanted a 100/100 economic bonuses. And so today we showed that he can not hold or even take East Midlands and the war continues back and forth once more.

We have allies in the north in the form of Sweden and allies to the south in Poland who if given the chance can be region swapped to a border with Canada. Canada on the other hand are all alone. America is busy yet again against Indonesia and if Ireland want to join the fight, I for one look forward to a British Dublin.

We will continue the war as usual, try and win as many battles as possible and take the NE bonus along the way. It’s extra economic bonuses that we are bleeding Canada who obviously can not hold a region for any length time and make all of Addy’s promises look extremely silly. The cherry on top is that it’s almost entirely Ireland’s fault.

Oh Canada, you should have taken the peace deal, eh?


Lots of Love
