[CP] New Victory Bond Program to Start

Day 1,067, 18:40 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

The Government of Canada is issuing 2,000 victory bonds at a cost of 1 gold/bond in two phases.

Goals: Provide Canada with monetary flexibility to cover its military obligations and ambitions. Provide gold for further CAD printings to then be converted back to gold using the monetary market. To cover budget shortfalls and emergencies.

Organization: NBC Vault (http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/3988780)

Phase I
Start date: Day 1069 of the New World.
Amount: 800 bonds.
Minimum purchase: 3 gold.
Maximum purchase: 50 gold.*
Restrictions: Only available to Canadian citizens and citizens of allied nations aged day 800 or younger.**

Phase II
Start date: Day 1071 of the New World.
Amount: What is left from Phase I plus an additional 1,200 bonds.
Minimum purchase: 3 gold.
Maximum purchase: 50 gold.*
Restrictions: Only available to Canadian citizens and citizens of allied nations.**

Closing date for both phases: Day 1089 of the New World (20 days).

Maturity: Bonds will mature a maximum of 60 days following donation or the opening of phase 1 (or Day 1129 onward of the New World).
Repayment: Bonds will be repaid in the amount of 44 CAD/bond.***

* If an individual made a 50 gold donation in the previous bond drive, his limit is allowed to be 100 gold this time around.

** Congress and the Executive reserves the right to refuse donations from any individuals if said individual is deemed to be working against the interests of Canada or if they are enemy combatants or have a history of fighting against this country. In this case their contribution shall immediately be refunded at a rate of 1 gold/1 gold. That individual may appeal to the Supreme Court.

*** If propose a minimum 10% return on the bonds. In the advent that the exchange rate increased beyond 40 CAD/gold, the repayment would be increased accordingly.

To participate in the program, gold should be sent to the organization listed above ONLY on the dates where they qualify. Org donations will be refunded immediately.

Thank you.