[CP] Musings about a Hail Mary ATO and What to look forward to (Day 1466)

Day 1,466, 18:23 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence


On November 5th, eCanadian voters provided me with a mandate to make eCanada a desirable place for existing active soldiers to relocate to. I intend to do this by providing healthy amounts of MU funding, a steady supply of meaningful conflict, and high levels of productivity for self-supply networks.

PDP, Ethel, irish, CFovetS, Etemenanki, EZStreet, AMC, Manafikio, Gary Hubert, and Bunsen HoneyDew will help me do this.


Opening Remarks

Just wanted to put down a Hail Mary attempt at an ATO to stop the Romanians, but you'll see how futile it would be. Also, wanted to share some quick thoughts as the election results unfold.

On an ATO Plan for Congressional Elections...

As of about 30 minutes ago, this is what had to happen.

To knock Lego-kun out of BC, Trenton Rendell needs 2 votes pluu whatever else Lego gets.

To knock Vangx (8 votes) out of New Brunswick, jfstpierre needs 4 votes and frank139 needs 6 votes. 12 to ATO New Brunswick, 12 so far.

To knock grasutu (11 votes) out of Nunavut, Nogin the nog needs 4 votes and B.Dimitrov need 8. 12 to ATO Nunavut, 24 so far.

To knock Margelatujr (8 votes) out of PEI, screaming slave needs 2 votes and Melissa London needs 2 votes. 4 to ATO PEI, 28 so far.

To knock LaserFrate (8 votes) out of Saskatchewan, Blacksea09 needs 2 votes and Masterilke needs 4. 6 to ATo Saskatchewan, 34 so far.

Now for the wildcards. Everyone needs to be bumped up to 12 to knock out grasutu and the three other guys at 8. Wilhelm needs 1, Cham/Nosyt/EZStreet/Trenton each need 3 for a total of 12 and sub-total of 13. Crisfire/Melissa/Dr.Pain/SdC each need 5 for a total of 20 and a sub-total of 33. Chochi/Guicio each need 6 for a total of 12 and a sub-total of 45.

At this point, we have successfuly eliminated one PTO threat, provided they don't get any more votes.

Three of Coda/Treian/Masterilke/NoobPower/Derakor need 7 votes for a total of 21 and a sub-total of 66 votes. 66 votes to ATO the wildcard, plus 34 more to ATO the regions makes it 100 votes, assuming the PTO'ers do not have any more votes in hand.

To top it all off, these 100 votes will have to be cast perfectly efficiently and as per the kindly dictator determined by the lot of the nation, hopefully in the next 15 minutes.

Is anyone sitting on 100 votes?

On managing a political party in the best interests of the nation...

Canada has never had a PTO party in the top five nor PTO congressmen on congress. To keep undesireable candidates out, you run blockers. If you can't find them in your party, you ask for help. There are plenty of active people willing to block. Its just how its done.

On what PTO congressmen mean...

Well, I don't have a lot of experience on this but here is what I anticipate; they will be active. They will approve citizenship requests for their chums and they will run interference with our motions, likely moving a few crafty ones themselves. Impeachment, natural enemy, monetary motions of small amounts, etc.

This will also polarize congress. Of the remaining congressmen, there are only so many active ones, there will be a lot of pressure on them to perform and protect the nation. The congress candidates who run for the 5g and disappear until the 25th rolls around again will be pm'd quite regularly to help out.

In addition, people will be pissed that UN and NPC get slammed for not doing a better job preventing this. This will create division in congress as well.

Ultimately, we will be heading toward "bona fide" partisan politics rather than "subtle difference" partisan politics

Closing Remarks and Shameless Plugs...

That is it. Just a few musings about the elections. Please subscribe to this paper, I am only 600+ away from a media mogul medal.

Stay informed, subscribe to eCanada's Battle Orders as well.

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Try to catch Acacia Mason's podcast, this eCanadian treasure sets our media apart from most other nations. Check with Acacia for timing of the next show.

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