[CP] MPPs | Reports

Day 3,019, 14:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

The Government, in cooperation with Congress, is going through an evaluation process of all our MPPs. We are looking at what damage countries do for us, how much we contribute to them and overall benefits of having an MPP with them. This means we will maybe abandon some MPPs if we deem they are not profitable enough for us. That doesn't mean we will not keep being friends with those countries - but our financial situation simply does not let us to sign MPPs with whomever we want. Also, we are looking to start contact with other strong countries, such as Hungary and potentially sign MPPs with them. If you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them! 🙂

Embassies have been established in Russia, USA, Croatia, Greece and Hungary. Our ambassadors have already gotten to work; they are contacting governments, talking to diplomats and enhancing our relations with other countries. Every ambassadors will publish a report on their country by writing an article with general information about the country and an interview with their government. Our ambassador to Croatia, Kapten Johnson, has already published a report. Make sure to check it out and apply to be the UK's ambassador if you want! There's still room left.

Please follow daily battle orders and fight for our allies!

Yours Truly,