[CP] India's Stand for the Bulgaria-EDEN Issue

Day 1,590, 14:23 Published in India India by Shakti Rocks

With things getting more and more intense between EDEN and Bulgaria, It is unfortunately getting more and more difficult to make a clear stand for India.

What I want to say in full honesty to both the sides, that we respect both EDEN and Bulgaria. We have been fighting for EDEN since ages. We have fought for them, fighting against ONE. Though our damage is comparatively lower, we have tried our best to give as much help to EDEN whenever we could. Bulgaria has been one of our greatest allies. We always respect them as our Big Brothers and would always support their stand for a valid cause.

Today, I am humbly asking both the sides to respect our decision on this issue, since we don't wish to spoil our diplomacy with either of the sides.

Based on a discussion with my Cabinet members, we have decided to keep the following stance :

1. We won't Fight Against Bulgaria : As I have mentioned above, Bulgaria have always been a great ally for us, and we have deep respect for them as our big brothers. In no way, we can afford to fight against them.

2. We won't fight for Bulgaria against EDEN : Being in a trial membership of GEA, and always been pro-EDEN, we cannot help Bulgaria if they intend to take on EDEN Nations. We have helped EDEN since a long time, and we are always in debt for the countless times they have helped in our war against Pakistan and Thailand.

3. We will help EDEN to fight against ONE : Like always, our stance will remain pro-EDEN and we will continue to fight for our EDEN allies in its war against ONE nations. Our position in EDEN or GEA is irrelevant, as our loyalty towards EDEN will be same. As mentioned above, apart from Bulgaria, we don't have any problem with EDEN fighting off with any other nation.

4. Croatia MPP : Croatia MPP was an hasty decision by me and I take full responsibility of that mistake. Since the bulg MPP got proposed, we wanted to reinforce our pro-EDEN stance with the Croatia MPP, which was done in haste and not discussed through the proper channels.

For us, its almost impossible to make a clear stand either to help EDEN or Bulgaria. We respect both the sides and respect their decisions. In return, we only ask to respect our decision since we have Brothers fighting off in both sides of the battle.

Signing off,