[CP] Death of Australia

Day 1,648, 00:49 Published in Australia USA by Majester

My fellow Australians,

Senate is in a flurry. We have had passion argument about whether Novi Zeland are friends or foes. This is complicated by more passion about whether they as alliance fiends are more trustworthy than an enemy alliance Novi Zeland. This all flared up when we declared NZ a Natural Enemy to relieve pressure from Argentina and Brazil.

This week we sought to continue our affirmation for friends and allies. Then all hell broke lose. Accusations flew around, rules were bent and brokern. The Speaker broke into hysteria. Considering the magnitude of the decision before us, its all understandable.

This election I ask you to be critical of who you vote for.

Do you want an Australia strongly aligned with Brazil and Argentina who will grow in leaps and bounds on the world stage at some risk? An Australia that chases a dream of a prominent place in South America and the Pacific. Our wars will be real and risky. We may be invaded. We will face crises.

Or do you want to maintain the status quo of quiet diplomacy aimed at pacifying hostile neighbours to concentrate on winning fights for remote allies in remote battles? For excitement we may engage in some traiing wars, with permission and angst of course.

Your choice this day determines how we proceed. In deadlock with a Prime Minister elected to shake things up and get us going where all the action is in Parliament, or a dynamic Australia full of sleepless nights as we babysit critical battles that could be do or die on the battlefields of the New World.

Its your voice.
Its your vision.
Its your vibe.



Survivor of Australia

TL😉R Australia is action.