[CP] Christmas In August

Day 1,005, 18:25 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

Good Afternoon eCanada,

I have an important announcement to share with you today.

During war time, and I think back specifically to WWII in RL, a strange phenomenon occurred on December 25th. The guns stopped firing, and soldiers in the trenches, both axis and allied, began singing Christmas music. Shortly, bodies rose out of the muck and silt and the men who so fervently tried to kill each other only hours before, then exchanged handshakes, cigarettes, what little rations they had and for one day, they felt like human beings again. Why do I tell you this? Let me explain.

On the 24th and 25th of this month, Canada, France, and the UK will hold a temporary ceasefire to allow for a fair and even Congress election. It is the right thing to do and I wish to applaud John Bartlett for suggesting it. It takes a classy and honourable man to extend such a hand and I gladly shake it. This is a game, but that does not mean that we can not be honourable to each other.

As a show of goodwill by eCanadians, I would ask that we extend this goodwill to our IRC. I ask all eCanadians who regularly visit the IRC rooms, to please visit #euk and share a laugh and some good cheer with the UK. This is a chance to leave the war behind us and generate some new relationships. As an extension of this ceasefire, I will ask all eCanadians to refrain from writing attack articles. Lets make this about Congress and less about war. We have a chance to do something unheard of in this game. Lets make history together like our RL soldiers did so many years ago.

We will renew hostilities at the end of the election and all will be back to normal again. For a brief period though, peace will reign, and some fun can be had by all.

Yours In National Unity,

Prime Minister of eCanada