Day 1,232, 11:27 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by CONGRESS OFFICE OF eINDONESIA

After a lot of things happened recently
Today, we received MPP proposal from Brazil

so here's our answers : vote NO to the MPP proposal
our consideration on this issue

1. The impossibilty on the diplomatic scene when Brazil insists on retaining friendship with indo and USA
2. MPP without coordination is considered disrespect all ongoing negotiations to rebuild relationship of BIA
3. Brotherhood should respect each other and not push beyond boundaries (should have mutual respect)
4. Indonesia will keep maintain special bilateral ties with Argentina

enough is enough
We are outraged on the loyalty of Brazil placed upon it's traditional allies and long-time friends

Further information will be published on tomorrow's article (about official decision of eIndonesia regarding this issue)

Turut mengundang segenap rakyat eIndonesia, para capres, pres Matahari, pres terpilih, segenap jajaran congress, rakyat jelata, juragan, antek" pemerintah, semua saja... pada:

hari/tanggal: Rabu 6 April 2011
waktu: pukul 20.00 WIB
tempat: #erepindo-talk
agenda: pembahasan posisi kita dalam BIA

p.s. ga usah pake gambar" udah malem, sekalian hemat kuota bandwith :hammer:
p.s.s. log rapat hari ini http://pastebin.com/x0KikPvw

signed on behalf eIndonesian congress

Kandon - Secretary of Congress
Ekrem Chehab - Head Representative of Congress