[Collinar] eMalaysian Elite units

Day 871, 11:32 Published in Malaysia USA by Collinar

Hello good citizens of eMalaysia,
I'll make a very little article but very important so this must be voted up with your main citizen and as much as orgs as possible.

eMalaysian is opening under my control a Elite unit that is supposed to be available to move and tank as much as damage as possible, this needs you to be on irc when needed, one word for it active. And of course it will be very enjoyable... With avatars, competitions and fun military things.

Elites like us like big writing and making a RAWWWRRR In a even bigger one...

And most important you should always salute your commander o/

Sign up here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dG5JajN4QzhxTG5PYkdheXJRbjVhd1E6MA


Hello Citizens of eMalaysia! eMalaysia needs you to signup for the eMalaysian elites units: Avatars, weapons and of course fun! So sign up here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dG5JajN4QzhxTG5PYkdheXJRbjVhd1E6MA">HERE
For more info message our Supreme Commander http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1267049">HERE