[Collinar] A call to Carr De Vaux... and a new military will born soon?

Day 910, 23:17 Published in Malaysia USA by Collinar
Hello citizens of eMalaysia,
I am home again, in eMalaysia.
The media has grown very much lately and it is very good and fun to see it, though still our activness on irc and gov is smaller then ever, thats why I want to help the media by writing this article and hopefully later you will understand how it will help the irc activness to.

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In this article I call CDV for a competition that I call King of Peninsular Malaysia each of us will run for Peninsular Malaysia in the coming congress election and the one with the most votes gets the golden trophy, you know what lets make it cooler, the one whi looses buys from a designer or makes for the winner a cool avatar.

In the 7 days we got left we will try to have a debate, some propaganda articles on each other (to do that we know well lol)

So what do you say CDV are you scared or do you have the guts of Genghis Khan?

Now that is finished lets go to the next topic...

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My famous propaganda picture...

For almost a year we are trying to build a eMalaysian army, something orginized that will be aible to defend us in the time we need, sadly we failed.
In the coming days I will try to make something easy, at least somewhere to start from, the eMalaysian Federal Commune Militia it will have around 3-4 companies, a Communist military which everyone earns what he makes.
We will try to get the people active on irc for strikes or at least media active. We will wait in the coming days to see what will happen from it and then I will publish a more detailed article.

Good day,

One last awesomely, awesome thing, pleas bring up your voices to my new designed avatar!

WOW its so amazing... dont you just want it?! Haha 😉


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lol I seen this cool symbol on irc so I decided to use it on my article xD ;