Clown in the Southeast!

Day 671, 20:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by clownprince37

I am lookin for your vote. I want the peoples voice to be heard. I consider myself a very active player and believe
that picking me would be a good thing. Of course i would say that!!

Seriously though, i believe there is great potential in this country and it lies in its people.
I think every citizen needs to be heard and appreciated no matter how many exp points they have.
I believe every citizen has something to give.

Communication and Activity
Communication between players is vital and needs to be improved, as there is a lot of people who are not
being heard.The forum and IRC need to be advertised more and encouraged. People should be encouraged to come out
of the shadows and speak up. Too long we have had a country run by the same handful of experienced players
(some have done good) but there is loads of citizens on the sideline!!

In my opinion the war games are a great asset to this country and should be encouraged. Great work has been done to
keep these alive. This also improves relations with other countries. I believe we should no longer be a neutral quiet lil country. Calculated risks should be taken and we should see more of the action!

New Citizens
We need to keep newbs interested and informed.
Getting them into the social side of things is also a must.Any newb who needs a hand please pm. I have and will continue to help our new players!

This is a game at the end of the day and definetly the more fun things the better. i will try to encourage a lot
more games, competition and etc. The minister of communities is an important ministry. It should be funded well, encouraged and promoted.

I am a member of Saoirse. A party i feel is the most open and has the right ideas.We have grown loads over the past few weeks. People are interested in doing something different and not just following others like sheep.We are bringing change to this country! I urge you to vote
for me regardless of what party you are in.

I am running in this election for you. I want to know any proposals, ideas, greivances you may have. I will accept pms
24-7 in confidence. No matter how big or small your issue may be i will always try to get back to you.

Best of luck to everyone that is running.

Vote For The Peoples Voice!!!