[CLOSED]Free Food for SK

Day 1,219, 05:21 Published in South Korea Romania by MoRuZ

On at 14:00 PM I get home and open the PC to get a little on eRepublik to see what happened (Meanwhile I Prepare a cup of "Hot Chocolate"). I read a few articles to see what they changed the fighting were more open and give work to all my 6 + where companies are committed.
Training day at the end (A healthy body means a long life). I look in my inventory to see what I have on there and strikes Food 300 Q2. Check the market but quickly found that the price is not much profit and "what do I do with food? Food that so much can not eat. " After five minutes I get the idea, "Take me to donate to South Koreen bread that is open war and any damage counts" And I opened this article to announce that offers free bread but I want something in return, ask for bread and to fight FOR SK!. Offers 40 wellness anyone just above conditions (Asking for bread and fight for SK!)Maximum Level is 21!I reserve the right to reject certain requests I have food for everyone with level lower than 21 Offer is valid until the end of the war!