[風雨飄搖報]轉自Clopoyaur─South Korea - Safe path to destruction

Day 1,447, 04:02 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by ToHisWorld
感謝Nagase Rin、hakuba和NTR77819替我翻譯這篇(磕頭)


War has come these days upon South Korea, with China and Taiwan attacking. The main reason: the ONE MPPs made by SK.
最近這幾天中國跟台灣攻擊了南韓,主要的原因就是南韓簽下的ONE MPP。

In the future lines I will do an analysis to explain how did SK out a nation with a storming baby-boom, trial member of a good alliance and with strong relationships with allies to an isolated country with leaders that drifted into a wrong direction.


It all starts with the baby-boom happened in middle June caused by the war between South Korea and Taiwan. FSR, allies and together with the Koreans managed to push back the occupying forces and freed the country creating the environment for a baby-boom that happened with the contribution of the both sides. After a long period of time Koreans and FSR were united.
However, encouraged by the huge number of new players, the new leaders forgot about FSR and decided to start a political war against them. Instead of trying to benefit from their experience and trying to build a strong country, they decided to instaurate 「anti PTO」 as national goal in a country where now they were 6000 koreans and 150 FSR members. Blinded by hate, they made a complete set of mistakes.
然而因龐大的新玩家數激起勇氣的新領導忘記了FSR(的功績?)而選擇轉而對付他們。相較於從他們的經驗中獲益和建立起一個強大的國家,他們決定將反PTO設成他們的國家目標。現在有6000韓國人與150FSR成員。 由於被仇恨矇蔽了,他們犯了一連串的錯誤。

No goals or reason for the newcomers to stay in the game.

The ones that joined the game entered E-Republik to defend SK for the Taiwan/Chinese invaders. As the war was over they needed something else to keep them busy and interested. The best option would of have been North Korea, accessible at that time. That would of meant a strong motivation for the players to stay in the game and extra resources for them to grow. That path was not chosen, furthermore, a TW was started and No NE was declared, sacrificing 6000 players for 150 FSR members not to have a NE bonus. Parts of the country were then rented in unknown conditions to Taiwan, an unclear swap was started with Japan, and no battle orders were issued or articles to explain the situation to all the citizens.

Therefore, very few of the players that came in the game kept playing it because the information's were very hard to find. Out of those 6000, less than 500 are still actively playing.

Politics, the main goal

New leaders were interested only by the political power leaving everything else as secondary priority. A strong bond was developed with Japan, leading them to a training war and a region swap. Still, there was never clear which regions should of have been swapped or why they were RWed back for no reason. Japan could of have given 3 regions to SK without losing any of their bonuses and making South Korean bonuses very good for the babies to develop (80% weapons – 40% food). Instead, they had 40-20 and sometimes 40-40.
新領袖只對政治力量有興趣而剩下所有東西都成了次要優先的。對日本發展出的強韌連結導致了訓練戰跟換地。但是不清楚為什麼被換了的地卻被沒來由的起了義。日本可以給南韓三個區域而不會損失他們自身的加成,而這使的南韓的生產加成對於新人來講非常適合發展(80%武器加成 40%食物加成)結果他們只有40-20的加成和有時40-40。

In politics, they managed to keep majority of the congress all the time having the power to take any decision they wanted without FSR having power to oppose them. Even if this was a great achievement for the Korean leaders, this thrown new players away also, since they didn't had the right to vote or to candidate, all the seats being taken by 「old seniors」 and everybody having the vote dictated. Posibilities?
No political possibility to progress.
No Chinese or Taiwanese to fight.
No economic bonuses to grow.
Nothing interesting was offered to the new player to stay in the game.
Same thing happened on early September, when a second baby-boom (around 600 players) happened.


From the baby-boom in June till now more than 8 milion KRW were donated to the bank. A deposit of around 1000 gold and 1 milion KRW was fast made but then something happened. Out of the sudden 500+ gold disappeared from the accounts. Blame was thrown on Plato.

From that moment, even if donations were made daily, the sum of money in the national bank remained almost the same. Curios thing for a time, when the country was not involved in any conflict or wars, nor any missions were made abroad to support allies. Furthermore, 2 regions were rented to Taiwan for 40 gold each for 2 months. The money never appeared in the country balance and it is also unclear what happened with them. Out of the total, some of the money were spent on the new borne but such a sum cannot be justified in this way. This lead us to the next point… education of babies.

Babies lack of e-education

A blitz baby-boom requested great efforts in keeping them active in the game. Many bread donations campaigns were made at the start of the baby-boom, but instead of teaching the players how to build their economy part (in time of peace), they were learned only to beg for bread or for governmental support. Very few articles were explaining the economic mechanic of the game, while those about politics were too many. With a few exceptions, the majority of the players born in June, and still playing, are underdeveloped economically and are playing the game without dedication.
突然爆發出來的新人潮需要相當大的努力才能讓他活躍並保留住。許多麵包捐贈活動都在新人潮出現的時候發起。但是,直接給他們於但是並沒有教他們釣的方式, 讓他們只會伸手跟政府要。非常少量的文章有提及經濟方面的知識,大多數都是政治相關的文章。在少量的常識之下,大多數在6月爆發出來的人口,並有持續在玩 的,經濟方面並未發展好,然後沒有目的使命性的在玩這個遊戲。

A baby-boom occurs for a reason, and that reason must guide the baby-boom trough its development. This baby-boom was not lead well economically, had no military challenge (as the country was not involved in a real war), had no political freedom (as everyone was directed to vote for old Korean players in the name of fight against FSR) and very few reasons to resist. This is why, out of 6000 players, only 2000 are still alive and less than 500 are fighting constantly (taking out FSR members).
新人朝會發起的原因應該要伴隨著新人潮發展。這個新人潮並沒有在經濟方面被教育的很好,並沒有任何軍事方面的挑戰(當時我國家沒有任何戰爭)。沒有政治上 的自由(大家都投給老牌韓國玩家,抵制FSR)然後沒有原因反忼(應該是說老牌玩家的指令)。這就是為甚麼6000人當中只有2000人還活著,並有少於 500人有在打仗。(FSR沒算在內)


The main fuel of the game is war and everything is focused around it. In 4 months, there wasn't any major conflict, except a training war with Japan. Plenty of time for the babies to practice, you would say. Wrong again! Even if they managed to gather a vast majority of the active players on chats, South Koreas army NEVER managed to have a coordinated action be it in training war or in an ally fight! Not to mention that even if SK had many MPPs, they never made a trip to help allies or to consolidate friendship relations with any country. No one in the game manages to be successful without friends or allies, which brings us to…
這個遊戲主遊的賣點就是戰爭,一切都圍繞著戰爭打轉。在這4個月來,沒有什麼主要的衝突,除了和日本之間的軍演。或許你會想,這是給新人練習的好習會。 錯!即使他們能夠會及大部分的韓國玩家在chat上,南韓軍方從來都沒有一個有協調性的動作,不管事軍演還是友邦戰都一樣。即使南韓有更多的MPP,他們 也沒有想過要去幫助友邦,或是維持之間的關係。在這個遊戲當中,沒有朋友和盟友就什麼也不會達成,這就帶我們的話題到....

Friends, allies and… backstabbing

In the war with Taiwan, South Korea was helped greatly by countries like Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece or Brazil (and of course FSR) and many of them fought and spent they own resources believing in the cause of a small country 「liberty」. Furthermore, Bulgaria helped SK a lot after the baby-boom, sending thousands of breads for the small ones to grow.

After the baby-boom happened and the war was over the lead was taken over by Grease and blinded by hate he decided to reward all those who helpe😛
Romania – Trade Embargo for more then a year (reason FSR)
Croatia – Trade Embargo (reason: PTO nation)
Bulgaria & Greece – MPP made with Macedonia (enemy of Bulgaria and Greece)
Brazil – MPP with Indonezia
Contradicting his own policy, SK decided to make MPPs with Macedonia, the country that tried 1 year ago to PTO SK and was stopped by FSR or with Indonezia, that by the same time tried and succeeded to PTO Japan.
1 month ago, Danyeo, known anti-chinese nationalist left Japan and joined South Korea drifting the country very far away from their old allies and switching all the alliances towards ONE.
羅馬尼亞 – 超過一年的貿易禁運(因為FSR)
克羅埃西亞 – 貿易禁運(理由😛TO國家)
保加利亞、希臘 – 與馬其頓簽MPP(保加利亞、希臘之敵)
巴西 – 與印尼簽MPP


Such an act could not leave China and ROC indifferent as it was dangerous for both nations to have a country full of ONE MPPs at their borders, but also gave them a legit reason to invade SK. What will follow is predictable.

Who will help South Korean now?
Old allies that were betrayed? I don't think so.
ONE countries? They don't help eac hother, even if they are in the same alliance, not to mention a small state like SK that just made MPPs with them.
Mercenaries? Not enough for such a war.
FSR? Save your ass too many times.

Path to extinction? Achieved.

Congratulations South Koreans. You just managed to do all the mistakes possible and finally destroyed yourself!

As for FSR, you betrayed us also! We will stay and watch to see if you are able to do something on the battlefield other than talk and hate.
Or maybe we wont stay to watch. Remember the 5th of February?

Leader of FSR and SKD


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