[CIN] - War Report, Day 877

Day 877, 18:58 Published in Israel Israel by Aaron Sinclair
CIN :: War Report
April 15th 2010 // Day 877
CIN, Real News, Real Facts, Real Fun

With war continuing to rage in Israel, CIN will continue its extensive coverage of the war, with today some added statistics that have been collected by our Research Team.

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eIsrael Statistics
Update of the Defense of Israel
Interview with Defense Minister
Preview of Tomorrow


eIsrael Statistics

Over the past few days, and from ‘eRep Tools’, CIN has collected various information relating to the state of Israel, from Market Prices to Employment Rates. Most of this information is not very informative, however we have made up graphs to help show you the state of the Israeli Nation. Enjoy.

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These two graphs are of our collection of information on Market Prices, we only saw it prudent to your time and ours to publish these two that show semi-dramatic or dramatic changes.

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Update on the Defense of Israel

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As of 18:34 on Day 877, the War has settled down a bit, with Turkish forces ceasing offensive operations against the Nation of Israel. Although many in Israel are pushing for the recapture of Tel Aviv, the current Resistance War and Greek Incursion are not working well for said forces, deterring an Israeli assault, with MPPs or not.

During the day, Israeli forces and allies managed to push the invasion back in Nazareth, although failing earlier in Tel Aviv. This also led into the successful Resistance War in the Haifa District, occupied by Turkey before the current war began.

Although it is possible that the Greeks may win out, or the Resistance War might be successful, with high walls in both battles, it would take a coordinated effort by all defensive parties against Turkish forces to take them down and win the battle. With Tel Aviv occupied by Turkey however, they will be able to attack all regions of Israel except the Nazareth District, which is not a good thing for Israel.

*Check this Article out for Information on how you can maximize your personal War Effort!*


Update on the Defense of Israel

CIN managed to get ahold of the Israeli Minister of Defense earlier today, after being unable to snatch some time away during the heavy combat earlier. Although a short interview, CIN got some valuable information to share with you.

When asked about the ‘how the war is going,’ Aeroner responded by saying, ” Although I wasn't around for the first attacks. . . I could still witness the fantastic planning on part of Franz Kafka and all involved. Strategically brilliant.” He also mentioned that he posted citizen orders, located here, where citizens will find suggestions on how to maximize their contribution to the war effort. He also added that, ” All anyone has to do is PM Minister of Defense IDF and I'll send you gifts or food right away.”

The Minster also spoke about the citizens trapped in occupied Tel Aviv, stating that, ” we have plans for them. Right now, there best bet would be to hunker down, until I get the order to start giving out tickets to everyone,” which would seem to be promising to anyone in this situation.

We finally asked the Minister, what Israel needs to survive this war, to which he replied, ” Determination. You just can't give up. . . No matter how grim a situation looks, you need to be an optimist if you want to survive the war. It's just not possible to always look at the bad in this line of work. But I think we've done a great job so far, and more is to come.” Hopeful words from the leader of our military that is 2-1 (won in Nazareth and Haifa, lost Tel Aviv).

http://i438.photobucket.com/albums/qq103/Aranoran/CINDivider.jpg" />

Preview of Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, we will analyze and announce the new Party Presidents, directions of the Partys, and forecast what will happen come April 25th, in the Knesset Elections.

Stay Strong Israel;

CIN, Real News, Real Facts, Real Fun