[Chile] eIndia invites you for a NEW BEGINNING !!

Day 1,029, 00:30 Published in Chile India by Indian Foreign Affairs

Are you getting tired of being bullied around?
Are you sick of stronger countries trying to PTO/TO your country?
Do you hate to stand and watch your hard work getting destroyed?

We know how bad it feels my dear friends, because we too have faced it over and over again..
just like you!

But now, India is rising! We are moving onwards to a new, brighter future. A future without
all the danger mentioned above and the good thing is, you can be part of it!

India, a land of opportunities.

Consider following facts about eIndia:

1) 3 types of High resource regions
2) A very experienced PTO defence, our Anti Take-Over team has beaten over 10 PTO’s
from various groups/nations.
3) A representative and transparent Government, everyone can get in, we do not favour only
the winning party. In case of a PTO, we choose our candidate through a poll on our forum.
4) High harvester & other salaries
5) A very friendly atmosphere, since India started to rule its own lands, we have had citizens
of various Real Life countries. Because of that, we accept everyone in our country and you
are just as eIndian as any other eIndian, no matter where you’re from in Real Life.
6) A neutral country, we consider every country in eRepublik as our friend and we hope to
build good relationships with all of them.
7) We have active and organized military and we’re working hard on getting Training Wars
for all of you.
8 ) A very interesting geographical position for exciting game play. Because of our position,
we are in touch with the rest of the eWorld all day long.

We have a great offer for you: Make eIndia your new home and you get:

A) Everything mentioned above.
B ) A one way ticket to eIndia.
C) To learn the basics of the game and get involved in a friendly atmosphere instead of
getting kicked out by some hostile PTO’er or stronger players.
D) Faithful allies and friends in RL
E) Experience in every aspect of the game.

Remember you can always go back to your original country to support it once you have
gained experience and allies in India.

So get your Passports today, Contact us in game through PM or join us at #Indiplomat at irc.rizon.net. Become a true eIndian in your heart. You’ll get experience, action, friendship and everything else this game has to offer and together we’ll work for a better future of you and for India!

Minister of Foreign Affairs, eIndia