[Chewie] An announcement

Day 1,378, 16:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by ChewChewShoe
As read in this article here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/transitional-government-announcement-1852457/1/20 people can declare themselves whatever they like, and well Ibhoy declared himself Master of the Universe just a moment ago.. So I figured I'd join the band wagon.

Due to Greece's attack on Eastern Macedonia it is my sole belief that Austrian president Erdoni is doing a bad job, and therefore I have decided to declare myself President of the United States. From this moment onwards everything Cerb and his band of elitist followers say holds no power at all, I am now the one true Emperor of Japan. Obey my absolute authority. Sorry Cerb, you're out.

My first issue as President will be to legalize it.