[CDV] Support eMalaysians companies Campaign

Day 855, 04:32 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux
ps: if you like this article, gift me once! I am looking to recover 10 wellness after fighting 6x at mindanao...🙂 Thanks!

Hi all,

I have previously outlined the economics reasons for buying from eMalaysian companies if you can. The economics depression from overproduction and other reasons are still very much affecting many of our companies, in particularly those set up by the new players. Nothing discouraged a citizen than a failing company. 😃

Anyway, i have compiled an incomplete list of eMalaysians-owned companies (based on Day 855 market offering and limited information). Only active companies will be listed (i.e. companies are not listed for sale). I will continuously edit this article if companies owners want to get their name on this list. It will be republished every week for the next 4 weeks.I will start off online for Food and Weapon industries - the two important staple goods.

If i have made any mistakes, please PM me asap. If I have not listed your companies, please PM me too. 🙂 The list was based on whatever which was on the market at the time of press

=====Food Industry=====
=====Domestic companies:=====
Q1 National Food Ltd - govt company
Q1 Sukur Basch
Q1 DreamX
Q1 Malaysia Boleh Restaurant
Q1 Half Baked Ideas
Q2 Hinagiku Mcdonald
Q2 Mansour's food
Q3 Roti Canai
Q4 Wajik Malaysian Food

=====Foreign companies:=====
Q1 BBPantumaca
Q1 Mega Foods
Q3 EstFood
Q5 Paneme Leivad Kappi - the only Q5

=====Weapons Industry=====
=====Domestic companies:=====
Q1 Momoko Armoury
Q1 Malaysian Kalis
Q1 AaAaA Virus13 Weapon
Q1 Unknown weapons
Q1 Remix Weapons
Q1 Mega Weapons
Q1 Sarawak's Sumpit
Q1 Huat Warfact
Q1 Hinagiku Armoury
Q1 Ancient Weaponry Corp
Q1 Gunasia now everyone can shoot - unsure
Q1 I love you armory
Q1 2kill weapons
Q2 Arms de lucha
Q3 Hattrick weapons
Q3 Mansours' Sniper
Q4 Malaysian Keris
Q5 Lagrange 3
Q5 All Nation weapon ltd

=====Foreign companies:=====
Q1 A&L Sidearms
Q1 K weapon
Q2 Big Cannons
Q2 RS Weapons
Q4 Bucic doo wep
Q5 Q5 roket

=====Brief Note to newbie company owners=====
In compiling this list, i have discovered some systematic problems with many Q1 companies, possibly owned by young eMalaysians. These 'problems' generally led to inefficiency and ultimately loss-making companies.

► We have too many Q1 food companiesin a sector that is no longer profitable/viable. Newbies should find investors or more Gold to upgrade to Q2-Q3-Q4 food companiesas soon as possible. Q1 weapon sector is already overly crowded but in v2, this might be still acceptable (with 4 types of weapons).
► Too many companies have less than the optimal number of employees. This significantly affects productivity the company get out of each worker. Hire to the optimal number to maximise your returns.
► Some loss-making companies out there that under-cut the prices too much, even without foreign competition. Sign of cash-flow problem and needs to offload stock in loss.
► Some did not use an organisation to manage the companies. This is inefficient as you lost the opportunity to earn a salary by managing the company using your character.
► Many companies did not have record of donations of raw materials from other location. Considering we have neither High Grain or High Iron, this means they have bought the Raw material from the market. These are not the cheapest raw materials - which this is why many young companies failed to make profits. Find the cheapest raw material here - and send your org there to buy them (and donate to your company).
► Many companies are hiring employees with less than 90 wellness. PM your workers to make sure they are healthy. Healthy workers led to higher productivity (for the same salary).

So, maximise your profits today! In the next economics review, we will look at which economics sector in eMalaysia that deserves more investment and attention.

Buy eMalaysians! Support eMalaysians companies today!

Carr de Vaux
Ministry of Education

new eLove. 😃