[CDV] Official conceding speech (and other semi important stuff) - Good bye

Day 809, 10:35 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

Dear eMalaysians and the members of the coalition parties (DPP, AC, PR, DCM),

It has been a brief but really intense election battle. Many bad blood and animosity were built in a very short time. Some personal feuds and two-ways allegations were flying off. The funny thing is, nevven-ExoM7 did not appeared to be too worked up over the election. At the final 4-5 hours of the election, i realised the damage was done despite the effort to calm down the campaign . Was it an error not to campaign thoroughly through the final hours like doing a script-mass-PMing? I don't know. I did thorougly enjoyed the campaign with nevven-ExoM7 though.

So, to the big boys of FUP, indeed i am afraid to wake up next to a dead horse head and obviously eMalaysia doesn't want a Decepticon in helm. I concede that i don't have as much resources and time as you guys in this. More importantly, I admit I am not really made for such "real" politics of accusations, right-to-your-face hypocrisy, lying, in-game 'election strategies' and tricks and down-right immaturity. So, Big boys of FUP - have fun with your toy!

On a more personal note, this shall also be the swan song political act for Carr de Vaux (for now). It is time to bid adieu, good bye and farewell. I might move to another e-nation, quit the game or whatever...do business. lol. I ll run out my term as DPP PP and find a suitable hand to keep on the reforms/rejuvenation going.

I was kindly reminded by someone that someone as absolutely disgusting as me or rather "underhanded, Machiavellian, dishonest, and dishonorable, poor excuse of a politician" would spew "nauseating partisan politics that will spew out of every orifice" should not be in leadership position at all. I too sit here asking myself, how can a person with somewhat intelligence and honour, can reduce down to such impossibly low standard of bullshit? Has the politics of eRep sunk to such repulsive and sickening levels? I guess i should not have expected too much in the very first place.

To some nice individuals i have met in-game, it's really cool to meet and chat with you guys. For those in Hungary/Europe - i will still be visiting in Aug-Sept. To ink, maruko, noveras, seanlam, spykerman, ww88, cct, natamhanjing, mansour, bryce, shbalage, robi, fragreg, nicholas2000, da boss, and many others - it has been a pleasure knowing you. To the great nagyzee - your maturity and in-game wisdom - is certainly the best thing that happened to eMalaysia. Thank you for the lessons and opportunity. A special note to those upcoming citizens - don't be discouraged. Life as a small-timer in a small pond like eMalaysia can be tough.

Perhaps, i shall write a more proper farewell at some stage - but for now, i am reducing myself to a two-clicker..and an eventual uneventful e-death. Unlike my first e-suicide of course.. Better time of eRep..awww.


Carr de Vaux

i can be contacted at carrdevaux[at] hotmail for other game-unrelated stuff. 🙂