[CDV] News in brief / Berita Terkini Day 861-862 (update with why Eden fail)

Day 861, 06:31 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

This will be super short..coz i am supposed to go to sleep...

1. eIndo and eMalaysia made peace (who might have thought - again!?) RW ongoing to return Sarawak..let's see what eIndonesians think. I sincerely thanks the leadership of blackmanta for the rational decision.

2. eMalaysians should move to eIndo and FIGHT RED in Sarawak if you can. 4 moving tickets and lost of 8 wellness though., make sure you fight with weapons!

3. eUSA is leaving EDEN. expected, but OMG. Naturally their congress will approve of PiginZen request. Apparently someone from eDen want to landswap across eAmerica to eAsia/eSouthAmerica.....(without their permission). Sounds familiar.

4. Craziness in eEurope. eCroats gave away its initiative on eSlovenia (again) . eSlovenia with its strong MPPs is attacking AGAIN. eCroatASIA? Maybe not. What are they THINKING?

5. i am facing two strong challengers from FUP - ww88 and pantherthug. let's hope we can have a proper election (wtihout getting TOed).

6. A nice guide about what to buy to get 100wellness everyday.

7. Lastly to ignorant eMalaysians - our neighbours don't like to be called "indon". don't EVER do that. Please either call them eIndo or eIndonesians. It is the same as keling for Indians-malaysian, apek for chinese-malaysians, mamak for malays, nigger for African Americans and so forth. If this game does anything - hopefully it will be the value of respecting other cultures/people.

Carr de Vaux

Ps: I found a great analysis of EDEN/eUSA from a eSpain veteran - it is discussing how eDEN failed in recent days....which i will cut n paste here (with minor editting):

Yes, I will explain right away: I wasn't referring to the concept of liberating S.A but how to make it possible, the tactic. Remember 1st Kwazulu??? Aussie attacks- Brazilian drains most damage from Aussie - Argentina attacks (coordinated with Brasil) and easily kicks Aussie out!!

2nd Kwazulu: Exactly the same story, just switch Brazil for Argentina.

Also, you have to consider that S.A is still under control of the TO'ers, so any region liberated via RW can easiliy go back to Brazil/Argentina. Going there is not easy, it requires a well-planified strategy in the first place (not Britney Spears commanding the army) and top class coordination. Now, it's defo not a priority as hell's loosing in Europe thanks to the fail in Slovenia, and a number of country's security is seriously compromised.

Poland and Spain have been pressing hard to put more emphasis on the South American scenario, namely against Brazil. While UK was down to London, there was a plan to launch a double attack against both fortresses North of Brazil (Poland, Peru, Spain + allies) and London (US, Canada, Sweden, Romania+ allies). And mobile forces standing by ready to attack at the last moment wherever the chances were bigger. It would have been totally impossible for Phoenix to succesfully defend both NoB and London. HOwever, guess who failed to cooperate. Guess who considered that poland with High Iron is no good, would spoil the market and so on...

The HUGE tactical advantages of Spain's conquest of France along with Poland's conquest of Germany had allowed extraordinary mobility (till a couple of days ago, guess why). Swapping Poland to S.A, swapping Spain to Central Europe, swapping USA to Europe, swapping Croatia to Asia, South America, swapping USA to South America, GOD even Sweden can travel around the world! ... a world of tactical possibilities. However, it's been dreadfully used. Dreadfully. That's got to do with USA wanting to focus only on Asia-Pacific, and the horrible "revamping" of EDEN after the Romanian coup d'etat - supported by Brolliance and Sweden. There was a competent, powerful (not powerless) Central Command before that able to organize and coordinate, cause in the end all fronts are connected. Now, there's simply no Central Command, and that translates to no communication, no cooperation, no coordination, no teamwork, no real strategy for the whole war, just little pieces of ideas for this or that local scenario. Basically, what we've seen ever since then: Fail after fail.