[CDV] Guide to transfer your military skills to v2 (China)

Day 950, 05:48 Published in China New Zealand by Carr De Vaux
The skill migration is only once. Once you do it - there's no turning back and your existing 'Strength Level' will be distributed to the four different 'strength types'. However, for each battle, you can choose what weapons (Rifle, Heli etc) to use. So you can be an expert in Helicopter and fight with Rifles. Naturally, it would be the best to be an expert in Rifle and use Rifles - and be an expert in Helicopter to use Helicopter. You get rank up accordding to the damage you inflict (using what type of weapons).

**this article was written for eMalaysian audience, but naturally, the information is generic to all who are interested in v2 battles. Please vote the original article up !***

Alright, i have talked about migrating your job skills points in my last article. While I am still taking a break between my RL work, let's have a quick look on how to transfer the military skills in v2. I have tried out the battles in beta (it sucks, but well...) and did some research/thinking myself. So, the disclaimer to this guide is - the information presented is to assist you to make a decision, you should really think how you can fit into the eMalaysia army and your v2 gameplay strategy.

Victory Conditions
1. Each 'region' has a map of 20x20 grid - i.e. 400 hexagons grid/tiles. To successfully defend or invade a region, about 75% of the tiles and the capital city tiles must be captured/occupied within the first 24 hours. Otherwise, the battle will go into overtime (another 72 hours) and sudden death (??).

2. The victory conditions point out one thing: You need at least 0.75*400 = 300 occupied spaces. A strong unit may be able to hold on to 3x3 tiles comfortable (given its mobility range), while weaker units can sneakily capture unoccupied tiles. A hypothetical example - 300 weak citizens can hold 300 spots, while a group of strong fighters (stack of 4-8 citizens) can ramp through the tiles (capturing tiles as they move and defeat others). Considering the limit of 50wellness (and hospitals are far and distant apart) - each citizen might be able to fight 1-3 turns max.

3. I suppose the defender has the advantage of holding 80% of the tiles to begin with. Deployment of invaders have to start from the 20x2 'invader deployment' region on the left side of the map. From there, invaders have to move to occupy 75% of the maps. Once a tile is occupied, new invading fighters can be deployed into those newly occupied region. So, last minute rush strategy might not work, as it takes 2 minutes turn to move forward/fight. If the defender make a good line of defence against the invading army, and blockade and keep them to the left side of the map - invasion will fail.

Mobility and Tactical Influence
1. As mentioned, once you have selected where to start in a battle, you are then limited to the amount of 'steps' you can take per turn. Each turn in beta is about 2 minutes. So, unless you have time to wait for sufficient turns to move to the spot you wanted, generally, the mobility effect will limit your contribution to the battle.

2. So far so, it seems that armies must be deployed throughout the days so that invasion or defensive lines can be continuously altered. Once a citizen made their damage, they can stay in the field (to occupy the tile), or leave (if they are injured <40 wellness). As always, numbers of fighters in the map will give the advantages as the invaders or defenders must PvP (1v1) fight thru all the fighters in each tile before occupying it.

3. For note, the Helicopters can move 3 cells, the Tanks 2 cells, Rifle Infantry and Artillery 1 cell respectively. An interesting tactical feature of the battles i have seen - is for the defenders to make a line of defence along the map - and push the invaders back

Landscapes Influence
1. I could not see the maps of Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah in v2 yet - so no definitive recommendations can be given to what category of military units would best suit our defence. Therefore, don't covert yet!

2. Effects of landscape on the different units in terms of defence:
Plains - 20% defending bonus for tanks
Forests - 20% defending bonus for infantries
Hills - 20% defending bonus for helicopters
Mountains - no defending bonus
Cities - 20% defending bonus for artillery
Water & Bridge - no defending bonus

3. Forests, hills, cities, plains, and bridges can be crosses by all units. Water tiles can only be crossed by helicopters. Mountains can only be crossed by helicopters and infantry. So, helicopters has the mobility advantage. Bridges may be an excellent bottleneck point - if either side of the armies have no helicopters. Consequently, it is possible that most large armies (EDEN/Phoenix) would focus on a huge helicopter (+some tanks) mobile army, while have combination of rifle infantries (if forest-dominant) and tanks (if plains-dominant) for defence. Artillery seems to be quite useless (except for PvP against the helicopters).

4. Comment: for most maps that i have seen, Plains are always the dominant landscape. Bogdan_L made an analysis for eRomania region, and concluded that nearly 50% of its region was plains. Mountains and Hills are next. Forest were the least. In RL Peninsular Malaysia, there are plenty of forests and hills - which might influence the outcome of the v2 map of Peninsular Malaysia.

PvP Influence
1. Attacking bonus increases the chance of hitting, while defending Bonus (from terrain) increases the chance of misses.

2. The Attacking Bonus of units in PvP goes like this.
* Tank vs Infantry
* Infantry vs Anti-Air Artillery
* Anti-Air Artillery vs Helicopters
* Helicopters vs Tanks

3. Typically, after 1 round of PvP, the weaker fighter will have to leave the battlefield. The stronger one might be weakened, and unless there're hospital around, the stronger fighter won't last more than 5-10 rounds.

Defending Strategy
This is quite preliminary, and was greatly influenced by this current battle between Spain and Brasil and some other overwhelming defending i have seen.

1. At the start of the battle, Brasil has managed to deploy significant amount of fighters, defending 3-4 lines/layers just outside the invaders' deployment region. This effectively created a 3-4 layers of defences for the shortest route to the capital city tile.

2. Next, key land-route to progress through the map has been blockaded by 2-3 fighters. Among key routes include: bridges over river (as only helicopter can bypass rivers), mountain-passes (1-2 tile path through a mountainous ridge, as only infantry and helicopters can climb over mountain tiles).

3. Then, several backup fighters surrounded/camped around the capital city tile (marked in yellow on mini-map).

The key to this defence is naturally - huge amount of fighters at the start of the battles. Recall that even you have been deployeed, you can choose not to fight yet, and hold the position with defensive boosters. Before the end of battles, once can log in again (presumbly still alive in the battle), and make further tactical moves.

Invading Strategy
I have not observed any successful battles so far. The invasion of eIndonesia on eAustralia (in beta) seems to provide some clues on how to successful invade a region. After nearly 18 hours of battle, only about 55% of the regions have been occupied. The capital city has fallen. Both sides have a strong stacks of MPPs. This remains to be explored in time.

Conclusions for transferring your military skills to v2
Let's not kid ourselves. v2 battles are complex, and difficult. It will take times and strategy. Only those with most golds (boosters) or most time (better tactical moves) win. However, assuming no one has unlimited golds - v2 provides a better battlefield for small nations like us - provided we organise ourselves well in advance. So, what's should eMalaysians do:

1. DO NOT MIGRATE YOUR SKILLS YET, until we see the maps for Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak.

2. If Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak are forest-heavy as RL landscape indicates - then we would need a strong defensive infantry-artillery mix squadron and a strong mobile helicopter squadron. The defensive squadrons focus on holding the region, while the helicopter (more active players) focus on recapturing regions. THis is of course, presuming that we are a defensive neutral country.

3.For participation in oversea battles, helicopters remain a favourite option. Tank would be a second favourite, as many maps that i have seen seems to have a lot of plains. The mobility bonus and the PvP bonuses of helicopters and tanks suit an invading army.

Carr de Vaux
Retiring President.