[CDV/GOVT] Time to come clean about a theft

Day 934, 12:31 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

Dear eMalaysians and friends,

I am happy to see a rising amount of concerns from our eCitizens and Congress members (e.g. Noveras 's Something Fishy Going on in SO) and the subsequent debates within the Congress and Forums with regards to the operational procedure and functions of the Social Office (e.g. eye3's is SO really helping rookie).

So, i guess it is time to come clean about a theft.

"Robin Hood broke into the bank over the weekend, and took all the gold. The gold was reportedly sent to ePhilippines to help their impoverished children! "

Noveras nicely took my 'bait comment' when i requested for the donations for the Social Office.Yes, i wasn't lying when i said the Social Office and the Government was nearly bankrupt. and Yes, it was because of the theft. It is not 1000MYR that was missing though. I wish it is just 1000MYR (15G). The dude Andrei something stole about 15G (1000MYR) from Social Office some 3-4 months ago too. No. I am not talking about the so-called theft of Social Office. I am talking about...

SU.Z.HA.I.M.I.Z.(Suc kers, Zombies HAmsters In Malaysia Incorporated Zucker) STOLE 800G from the central bank of eMalaysia (ADMIN, this is not an allegation to any 'real entity' - don't delete my article!)

OOOooooOOOOoooooOOOO. Is this another of those "Carr de Vaux" joke or gradiose political move? Sadly no. The theft is very real and it is sad to see how long people go for in-game Gold. Why steal it? well, admin is selling 160G for 60euros and 800G is 343euroes. That's 1370 malaysia RL dollars (ringgit). That's the value of one integrity. Sadly so.

What's the evidence? Well, i have waited nearly 2.5 weeks on this in order to prevent our beloved former CP self-destruct on the country. Many different avenues have been tried to clear the good-name of this boy. A few other key players of this 'theft'/drama will come and confirm the following events/'facts' and allegations. I let you judge for yourself:

(Disclaimer: Consider this a story ...fiction maybe.. (otherwise people will report this as unfounded allegation or public shaming)
Let's call the Suckers, Zombies HAmsters In Malaysia Incorporated Zucker to be .. Mr S.

1. I left the government of April 2010 with a very healthy balance on the Central Bank of Malaysia. Approximately 900+ gold and tens of thousands of MYR. During my term, only Nagyzee and myself have access to the bank org.

2. On the 5th of May 2010, Mr S took over eMalaysia, in the name of ATO unity. I passed along the access to the govt org to Mr S. Nagyzee passed to him the new password for the Central Bank org.

3. On 17-18th of May 2010, 800G vanished from the org. NO donation links. No message to notify the MoFinance (nagyzee) of any transfer to anyone. No trace. Just vanished.

4. 18th May 2010, Nagyzee noticed the missing of the 800G, asked Mr S about the Gold and about the access to the Central Bank org. Mr S claimed that himself and Spykerman have access to the bank org. He sent a chatlog with Spykerman to Nagyzee to back up his claim.

5. 18/may/2010, Nagyzee through the Central Bank org sent a ticket to the ADmin requesting for Money Market log (which admin has). (Ticket I😨 DTX-315554).

6. 19/May/2010, Nagyzee checked with Spykerman about the missing gold, Spykerman denied that she has accesss/password to the bank. The chatlog was apparently about other govt orgs (Social office etc) and did not include the Central Bank org. So, someone lied.

7. Nagyzee and nevvven (now also privy to the incident) confronted Mr S about the lie about Spykerman. Mr S admited that he doctored the screenshot to make it as if Spykerman have access. He claimed that he did that under pressure as he was worried that he is the only suspect in the theft. He vehemently denied doing it. He said that his account was hacked, and the password was stored in his "sent outbox or received inbox".

8. Nagyzee and nevvven now pressured Mr S to send a ticket to the admin in order to clear his name. Mr S submitted ticket (Ticket I😨 ANQ-689834). The bank org password was changed and Nagyzee remained the only person with access. The remaining govt org's Money assets were removed and sent back to the bank. The govt operated with 3 remaining orgs (Social Office, TDM, Prime Minister dept).

9. 28th May 2010, I found out about the missing gold after noticing the ridiculously low Gold in the bank. I managed to chat with Nagyzee and he filled me in with the whole story. I immediately PMed Mr S in facebook about "some missing 800G". He told me his account was hacked and the Gold got stolen.

10. At this stage, I thought it was possible that the gold got stolen through a hack. Suprisingly the huge congolomerate of Mr S was not affected by this hack. A generous former CP/mentor donated a huge set of companies to Mr S during his 'retirement'. After all, we were confused why Mr S, who was supposedly loaded with Gold/profits would steal a mere 800G. Mr S's mates all are dealing with hundreds of Gold on daily basis anyway.

11.That night, i couldn't concentrate on my work. I cannot believe that RL Malaysian would steal in an online game and lie in their face about it. On the 29th May, 2010 I came out from retirement and run for presidency in light of this theft.

12. 9th June 2010, admin wrote back to the Bank org in reply of ticket (DTX-315554), stating that the 'case' is resolved as they were informed by Mr S. (thru ticket I😨 ANQ-689834) that the issue had been solved.

13. 10-11th June 2010, Nagyzee requested the screenshot of ticket I😨 ANQ-689834 from Mr. S. Mr S went offline without further notice.

14. Today 12th June 2010, I would ask you to judge: who took the cookie out of the cookie jar?
Why am i writing all this crap? Well, the admin probably won't return the 800G stolen by an elected government anyway. 800G won't kill this eCountry and it is after all just a game. The most is we go bankrupt. But i refused to let the SU.Z.HA.I.M.I.Z. (Suckers, Zombies HAmsters In Malaysia Incorporated Zucker) get away with alleged theft. I refused to believe that he is the theif. Mr. S and supporters. If you are reading this - i ask you sincerely. Prove your innocence or Return the 800G. You know where to send the Gold.

Sorry eMalaysia. the Govt failed you. Sorry eMalaysia allies - now you know why we are so tight on our finances and Sol TW payments.

Carr de Vaux