[CDV] eMalaysians - vote wisely...(UPDATED)

Day 826, 17:12 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux
update 2: VOTE FOR DPP, FUP, DCM, PR and NEVER NEVER VOTE FOR BN! Treason otherwise!

update 1: now the plan is out of the bag - everyone JOIN UP THIS PARTY as per instructed by the government.. It is not that hard to mobilise 40+ people. come on already....we need to knock that PTO party off top 5.
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Dear eMalaysians,

Let's not pretend anymore. Our nations as well as our neighbours are under serious threat of POLITICAL TAKE OVER (PTO) from our foreign friends who banded together under the "Scorpion" or better known as Шкорпиони/Škorpioni group. (ps: i saw some materials of them, they are actually a bunch of cool RL serbians....but unfortunately they thought it's fun to come 'visit' eMalaysia)...

"but CDV, it's only 6-8 of them are running for congress. How's it a takeover?? Last term they only had 2 candidates winning..."

Well, it's elementary (put your name here). With congressmen, they will be able to approve more citizenship to their Scorpions mates from elsewhere. Check out the report from the Ministry of Immigration to see the new 6 eMalaysians approved by Shunta and Milanezi from last term. The votes of course come from zombie eMalaysians who are already in the country - walking and living around us (but make no shouts or communication to anyone). I am not accusing them of running multies... but i AM HYPOTHESIZING that they are Running MULTIES .

"What can we do???" (in trembles)

Few things you as eMalaysians can do:

1. Please read and vote up the article from the Minister of Immigration (Spykerman) which listed the suspected PTOers.

2. Do not join the party "Barisan National". Quit immediately if you have. The smart little scorpions have been imitating the Omnicorp members (by using their avatar) and now they are smart enough to steal the name of a RL political party of Malaysia.

3. Vote only active and well-known members of eMalaysia community into congress (regardless of their party affliation).

4. Follow your party voting instruction - listen to official orders from Bryce S (DPP), gen-tiger (FUP), nagyzee (DPP), ww88 (FUP), nevven (CP) and others. Every real eMalaysian voted in - is one PTO scorpion denied.

Kasi Hentam Sama Kala Jenking ini....Mampus Ko!..WAkakaka

Note: no animals have been harmed in the process of making this article

Viva eMalaysia!

Viva DPP!

Carr de Vaux

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DPP irc channel - #dap @ irc.rizon.net

ps: this is the first time in my 5 1/2 months eLife that i am not running for Congress. *sob sob*.