[CDV] - eMalaysia congressional election Feb/Mar 2010

Day 827, 06:46 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

Hi my dear friends and fellow eMalaysians,

Whatever and whoever you vote on the 25th, make sure you Join The Centralist Partisanship Party today. this is matter of national security! Oh, and VOTE this article up too..let's kick some Scorpions asessssss..

Kasi Hentam Sama Kala Jenking ini....Mampus Ko!..WAkakaka

Now that i am formally not involved as a candidate in this congressional election, for the first time in my eLife, i guess i reserve the rights to endorse some candidates (apart from myself). 🙂 Of the top of my head - following are some of the people and friends that i would like to endorse (and no, they didn't ask for my endorsement)....

Peninsular Malaysia

1. Spykerman (DPP): the most hardworking first term congresswoman, brought some order to the congress. Also one of the most active minister (though just a MoImmigration) in nevven government.

2. Bryce S (DPP): One of the most experienced citizens around. Current DPP Party President and past DPP Communication officer. His generosity with his time, effort and own Gold towards helping others in this game is examplery!

3. mansour09 (DPP) : Many doubt my friend here, who is a RL Iranian studying postgraduate in Kuala Lumpur when he first revealed his iranian nationality. But alas, mansour09 is one of those active, curious and always helpful congressmen who have personally mentored several newbies. True to DPP multiculturalism - he is our token eIranian rep. 😃

4. ExoM7 (FUP) - I don't think eXom7 needs much words..

5. Fragreg (DCM) - leader of Omnicorp. Excellent military knowledge and leadership. Nuff said.

6. bukktolgy (DCM) - the right-hand man of AC (sadly no longer here anymore) ..bukktolgy is a great guy!

7. pastagage (DPP/PR) - another former PR member, who has been surprisingly active in the past 2 weeks...as they said - an active and curious newbie is always good candidate!

we have surprisingly very few good candidates in PM from all parties...!


1. Tsunami Kuching (DPP) : One of the more active newbies around...Tsunami Kuching will be one of the more exciting new faces that DPP is featuring this term. His ideas and understanding of game mechanics are good for a newbie...certainly future of eMalaysia.

2. Joseph Straatmann(DPP) : Contrast to Tsunami, Joseph Straatmann is an experienced expatriate from eUSA. He runs many successful business, donated significant towards the welfare fund of DPP

3. Jonny Tan (DPP/PR) : The eloquent and idealist Jonny Tan is the former congressmen from Pakatan Rakyat. His ideals for democracy and justice in ePolitics astound even me. Certainly another exciting new faces in eMalaysia community.

4. Kigandis (DPP) : I remember Kigandis well because he was amongst the first to reply my PMs on one bored day. He has shown tremendous curiousity about the game mechanics, active in eMalaysia media/discussion

5. eHero(PR) - he is legendary....

6. aurin (DCM) - the all blessed High Priestress of DCm - we all need salvation...so she has to be in the Congress..

7.natamhanjing (FUP) - one of the best mates of mine in-game...natamhanjing certainly deserves his turn on the big stage!

8.pantherthug89(FUP) - pantherthug singlehandedly (with some help hahaha) organised and ran the training division - easiest the most important military section (to me).

9.Hiyamoon(FUP) - he is one of the more active and visible Minister of this past government. Hiyamoon is constantly making an effort to make more activity and energize more newbies. Good stuff.


1. Jeff Shiiste (DPP) : Jeff Shiiste is one of my earliest mentors. He taught me quite a few stuff in eRepublik and generally a great guy. He is extremely humble and always ready to answer a PM or two about the game. Now, he is looking to expand his contribution horizon..

2. cct_84 (DPP/PR) : cct_84, the former party president and congressman of Pakatan Rakyat - is one of the most active eMalaysians around. His enthusiasm for the game, for eMalaysia and for democracy has not been dampened at all, despite losing his party to some insider TO. Former PR members should all vote for cct_84!

3. Leolimwu (DPP):

4. Liquid oxygen (PR) - SolDier, Field Marshall, military men. Liquid Oxygen has my support.

5. AlienSK (DCM)

5. Andreey (FUP) - i just like his ministry (Social Office). 🙂

6. Collinar (FUP) - Collinar is my blood ebrother from another emother who somehow went to the other side of the family. I guess i blame it on my virile eFather. He is cool anyway..so vote for him.

7. Maruko81 (FUP) - it's great to see FUP fielding some new faces amongst its heavyweight candidates...🙂

8. Darrenj93 (FUP) - former Minister of Communication, a little quiet these days, but i believe he has great potential...

9. Zane_Sharghi (DPP) - sometimes we have to give the newbies some chance to learn and flourish....and i think Zane is great for that! 😃

Some other people who i don't endorse but will probably win anyway...since they are the Supreme Leaders (or veterans) of FUP

1. Vikta (FUP)
2. gen-tiger (FUP)
3. suzhaimiz (FUP)
4. munafix (FUP)
5. SetsunaX (FUP)

There you have it - eMalaysians can do with some active and contributing congress representatives...

Carr de Vaux