[CDV] Breaking News - eIndo Attacked Sarawak

Day 831, 19:04 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux
Update News - eIndo attacked Sarawak Some eIndo propagandist made some allegation about our country president. but honestly, i trust nevvven more than i trust eIndo propaganda. 😃 Hail eMalaysia!


my words to eIndonesians
kepada saudara2 eindonesia yang inginkan impian Nusantara sejagat dan keamanan di Asia Tenggara ala ASEAN - ini lah masanya anda menyuarakan bantahan anda. Jangan mendukung propaganda dan rancangan eSerbia ini...yang jelas sekali menpengaruhi keputusan roy-f. eIndonesia perlu berdiri untuk dirinya - bukan untuk durjana eSerbia!


Breaking News - eIndo to invade Sarawak (again - maybe)

Despite all the peace talks and good work of Anies Baswedan, ww88 and others towards a regional peace deal, aptly called "Nusantara", it is now clear the eIndonesia still holds its old imperialism dream. The loss of Karnataka and other eIndia/eChina/eSouth Africa is too much for a proud eNation to accept, much less a proud RL nation.

So, roy_f, eIndo outgoing CP revealed that he was supposed to press the Red button at 12pm yesterday...he explained to the eIndo populace about his reasons:

1. Attacking sarawak will open the war the war with eIndia (MPP link) and thus opening the land route to eIndia / Tamil Nahdu (via Southern Thailand) - and hoping that in the next administration, eIndo will move forward again toward recolonizing eIndia

2. if eSerbia managed to TO CP of eIndia and eMalaysia, an open war with eIndia/eMalaysia will allow an attack-retreat occupation. Of course, en-route eSerb will landswap to get to eMalaysia for its high wood/high oil ..and eIndo is hoping Southern Thai will be its leverage for negotation.

3. eIndo don't intend to win the battle in Sarawak, but certainly it would be worthy to hold Sarawak before eSerb got its hand on eMalaysia CP. Afterall, eIndo believe its original region won't be attacked in any case.

However, despite this breaking news, i have to sadly inform you that this is probably a red herring or a faux pass by roy-f, as he written the whole message in basic Bahasa Indonesia (thus allowing many eMalaysians to read it). My intel within eSerb/eIndo has yet to report back for the day...Whatever it is - it's tough time ahead of us... Don't panic yet.,..😃

Be Prepared for more TOs and invasion...

Time for Babyboom! Announce this Indo attack to all your RL malaysians friends - we need them to join to fight the invaders back

Hail eMalaysia!

Carr de Vaux