[BS] Do You Wanna Teach Us How to DANCE?

Day 1,618, 12:32 Published in Brazil Brazil by Dio Vigon

I saw this funny article today, made by Kiwis/serbians and I was like:

"Look to those kids, they're so pretty playing around!"

I though they were having a stroke or something, but I realized it was a DANCE:

You're ok guys, funny and pretty, but seriously, you wanna talk about DANCE with Brazil?

You came to OUR territory whiling to DANCE? AGAIN, SERIOUSLY?

This is how we see YOU dancing:

Do you wanna talk about Lord of the Rings, Rugby and Koalas, its fine, but PLEASE, don't you EVER come back here again talking about dance.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,
The Brazilian Black Sheep.