[Brolliance] Becoming Invincible

Day 863, 20:03 Published in Japan Canada by jbdivinus

I will begin this article inspired by the words of Emerick;

PHOENIX's spam will die down, but Brolliance's love is neverending

It is in this spirit that I, Jbdivinus, would like to formally welcome Japan into what began as a Bromance between Canada and the USA, and has since expanded to include Australia, the Irish, and You. Japan, we are your Brothers.

What is their to say? Bonding with these nations is not something that you will need to pay for. The pre-existing relationships that our countries share are the essence of our alliance; they supersede any notion of 'membership', and are built upon understanding and compassion between nations. Any support that can be given to Japan has and will continue to be provided, with no expectation of a return, with no one counting favors. That, my friends, is the beauty of our alliance, not only do we proclaim to be built on brotherhood, but we practice it, and maintain its principles.

The Brolliance is in the process of creating its first draft of The Bro Code, a gentleman's agreement which will lay the foundation for all future interactions between the nations that have joined together in the spirit of the Brolliance. All current Country Presidents, and those who will take office next week, will have the opportunity to partake in discussion. As our newest member, we are eager to hear the opinions of Japan, and integrate the best of all our cultures into something unique, exciting, and invincible.

Invincibility. Its a strong word. In context, what does it mean? Certainly, any country can be defeated in battle. No, strength is not appropriate to define invincibility. Rather, invincibility manifests itself in spirit, determination, and attitude. When PEACE invaded North America, Canada was wiped off the map. The United States nearly suffered the same fate. Out of that terrible situation, free nations across the world united and out of that a force never before harnessed in erepublik was brought into existence. It continues today, in the hearts of Canadian, American, Australian, Irish, and Japanese citizens. The understanding of sacrifice, brotherhood, and the power of determination is what makes us invincible. There are no more fancy words, and nothing left to say. You have not joined a mega-alliance, you have joined an invincible one.

It is the dawn of a new era. Together, we rise, united.

o7 Japan

That is all,
Brolliance Visionary