[BoRoNa-alap] Felhivas! Adomanyozok!

Day 1,318, 00:36 Published in Hungary Hungary by Ge'zenguz

Kedves jatekosok!

BoRoNa-alap: 19 arany; 47120 forint; 1560 tank; 50 Q4 nehez fegyver; 5000 Q5; 1950 Q3; 250 Q4; 2150 Q1 kenyer; 6519 vas

A megnovekedett etel fogyasztas miatt beinditjuk a Q3-as pekseget is. Itt lehet jelentkezni!
A buza cegbe is varunk szeretettel Itt 😉

A 300 wellnesses munkahelyekbol 1 felszabadult, tehat varok egy kezdo jatekost, akinek napi 300 wellnessre valo kenyeret biztositok! Gyors fejlodest kivanok Zsidoo-nak! 😉
Kerlek titeket, hogy reszesitsetek elonyben az altalam piacra kitett tankokat, az igy befolyo osszeg is BoRoNa-alapba megy!

Onkentes munkara varunk a BoRoNa-alap banyaiba es tank gyaraba. Ha segiteni szeretnel, de nincs mibol adakozz, akkor ne habozz, gyere es dolgozz legalabb egy napot! 🙂 Minimal bert es kajat tudok biztositani!

BoRoNa banya Legyszives ide gyertek dolgozni!

BoRoNa vasbanya Ide is lehet 🙂

Tank gyartas itt !

Uj! Borona-kenyer A peksegbe is szivesen varunk!

Koszonjuk: Mobranak, Szempynek, ThomasT-nak Peeteee-nek, Megiskinek, frimennek, Recsek-nek, gorfike-nek, menard atya-nak, Ficsurkanak, Szisza00-nak, eLogin-nak, Synerg-nek, 30Tyranos-nak, szenzorosintegracio-nak, DivineLard-nak, Csabycy-nek, Zsimbora-nak, Kibee-nek, Alexandross-nak, dellertke-nek, rebuszbacsi-nak es mmuzsikusnak-nak onkentes munkajukat😉

Kerlek iratkozzatok fel az ujsagra, mar nem sok hianyzik az MM medalig !

Emlekeztetnem a kedves kepviselo urakat es holgyeket, hogy ne felejtsek el teljesiteni a havi 1 nap kozmunka kotelezeteguket, ezt megtehetik akar itt is a BoRoNa-alap cegeiben🙂 Alexandross mar tul is teljesitette! 🙂



Bulcsu Vezer has transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
Jozsef Istvan has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Jozsef Istvan has transferred 2 Weapons to your storage.
Jozsef Istvan has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
istvan87 has transfered 50 HUF to your account.
Manitou has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
mancsbuba has transferred 80 Food to your storage.
bornemisza.attila has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
30tyranos has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
30tyranos has transferred 4 Weapons to your storage.
30tyranos has transferred 49 Weapons to your storage.
30tyranos has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
30tyranos has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
30tyranos has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
30tyranos has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
madartej has transferred 890 Food to your storage.
moker has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
moker has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
Szempy has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
Borzi has transferred 40 Food to your storage.
Borzi has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
bornemisza.attila has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Borzi has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Borzi has transferred 150 Food to your storage.
mancsbuba has transferred 124 Food to your storage.
Mvhely has transfered 541.77 VEB to your account.
Mvhely has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Mvhely has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
Letrune Cicmic has transferred 1120 Food to your storage.
istvan87 has transfered 50 HUF to your account.
Sanyi1974 has transfered 200 HUF to your account.
gufici has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Borzi has transferred 70 Food to your storage.
Borzi has transferred 250 Food to your storage.

Koszonjuk az adomanyaitokat!

A BoRoNáról bővebben.

Adomanyokat ide varunk: BoRoNa-alap Kerlek adakozzatok! Minden adomanyra szukseg van!

Mibbiten: Itt talalsz 😉


Csatlakozzatok az ejjeli orseghez es szavazzatok cikkeiket: Itt
eArfolyam Figyelo: Itt
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