[BoRoNa-alap] Adomanyozok! Felhivas!

Day 1,358, 23:10 Published in Hungary Hungary by Ge'zenguz

Kedves játekosok!

A tegnapi nap megmutatta, hogy kepesek vagyunk osszefogni, viszont sajnos ez meg nem eleg, jobban oda kell tenni magunkat! Rengeteg tank es kenyer kerult kiosztasra, ugy latszik az sem eleg. 😉 Szedjuk ossze magunkat!
Megkerek mindenkit, hogy aki tud az adakozzon BoRoNa-alapnak!

Kovetkezzek a szokasos adomanyozok listaja:

Bence Mate has transfered 1 PKR to your account.
Hotan has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Eheslo has transfered 7.87 PLN to your account.
Eheslo has transfered 63.5 FRF to your account.
Eheslo has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Eheslo has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Eheslo has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
ScythaArcher has transfered 1500 HUF to your account.
ScythaArcher has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
ScythaArcher has transferred 150 Food to your storage.
PlayerP has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
Recsek has transferred 2000 Food to your storage.
Baldur Bendeguz has transfered 40 HRK to your account.
I. David has transferred 30 Food to your storage.
Itkokhan has transferred 150 Food to your storage.
Itkokhan has transferred 25 Food to your storage.
DivineLard has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
DivineLard has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
ScythaArcher has transfered 1750 HUF to your account.
Darth Atheel has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Bandi0717 has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
Bandi0717 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Jozsef Istvan has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
aptork has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
sanyi a lo has transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
bornemisza.attila has transfered 3 GOLD to your account.
Maximio has transferred 400 Food to your storage.
Bettina Giricz has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Bettina Giricz has transferred 97 Weapons to your storage.
Karoly Robert has transfered 1300 HUF to your account.
YceBear has transferred 60 Food to your storage.
Attila14 has transferred 400 Food to your storage.
Jozsef Istvan has transferred 110 Food to your storage.
Rottler has transferred 5 Food to your storage.
Rottler has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 4 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 70 Food to your storage.
DivineLard has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
dark ogsa has transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
Rockwell 88 has transfered 15 HUF to your account.
YceBear has transferred 60 Food to your storage.
zozzy has transfered 3 GOLD to your account.
Rottler has transferred 5 Food to your storage.
Rottler has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Bandi0717 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 140 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transfered 94.22 HUF to your account.
D.Sanyi has transferred 180 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 1 Food to your storage.
Betyu has transfered 23 HUF to your account.
YceBear has transferred 60 Food to your storage.
DivineLard has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 35 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 60 Food to your storage.
Baldur Bendeguz has transfered 60 FRF to your account.
YceBear has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
The Barbar has transfered 1000 HUF to your account.
YceBear has transferred 180 Food to your storage.
DivineLard has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 140 Food to your storage.
Pinkontom has transferred 300 Food to your storage.


A megnövekedett étel fogyasztás miatt beindítjuk a Q3-as pékséget is.

A búza cégbe is várunk szeretettel.

A 400 wellnesses munkahelyekből 1 felszabadult, tehát várok egy kezdő játékost, akinek napi 400 wellnessre való kenyeret biztosítok!
Kérlek titeket, hogy részesítsétek előnyben az általam piacra kitett tankokat, az így befolyó összeg is BoRoNa-alapba megy!

Önkéntes munkára várunk a BoRoNa-alap bányáiba és tank gyárába. Ha segíteni szeretnél, de nincs miből adakozz, akkor ne habozz, gyere es dolgozz legalább egy napot! Minimálbért és kaját tudok biztosítani!

Köszönjük: Mobranak, Szempynek, ThomasT-nak Peeteee-nek, Megiskinek, gorfike-nek, menard atya-nak, Ficsurkanak, Szisza00-nak, 30Tyranos-nak, DivineLard-nak, Zsimbora-nak, dellertke-nek, fimen-nek Doggett-nek, Rockwell88-nak, vizi zsivi-nek es AssAssyn-nak onkentes munkajukat😉

Kerlek iratkozzatok fel az ujsagra, mar nem sok hianyzik az MM medalig !

Emlekeztetnem a kedves kepviselo urakat es holgyeket, hogy ne felejtsek el teljesiteni a havi 1 nap kozmunka kotelezeteguket, ezt megtehetik akar itt is a BoRoNa-alap cegeiben🙂


A BoRoNáról bővebben.

Kerlek adakozzatok! Minden adomanyra szukseg van!

Mibbiten: Itt talalsz
Hasznos linkek:

Ui: Az uj arculatot Darth Atheel tervezte, koszonjuk munkajat! Tovabbi otleteket es kivitelezest is szivesen fogadunk!
