[BoRoNa-alap] Adomanyozok!

Day 1,406, 02:53 Published in Hungary Hungary by Ge'zenguz

Kedves játekosok!

Eloszor is szeretnem megkoszonni a bizalmat szavazoimnak, megprobalom meghalalni es tenni a dolgomat ezutan is! Koszonom!

Kivetelesen egy nagyon hasznos cikkel kezdjuk a felhivasunkat, amely Magyar Radaros Honved tollabol szuletett es a kezdo jatekosoknak szanta segitsegkent: ITT olvashatjatok! Kerlek votoljatok minel tobben, hogy top5-be kerulhessen.

A masik cikk amit olvasasra ajanlok az Lazo tollabol szuletett es a BoRoNa-alap megszuletesenek tortenetet meseli el, sajatos modon. 😃

Vegezetul, legyszives iratkozzatok fel es votoljatok mobra ujsagat (MM medal a cel), tankkal es kenyerrel lesz halas erte! 😃 Koszonjuk crvnazvezda-nak, hogy nekunk kuldte a reszet, rendes tole!
Fogadjatok szeretettel!

"A cél nemes, és a feladat adott! Nincs más hátra, mint támogatni a BoRoNa alapot."


Segitsuk nekik megszerezni az MM medalt! A lap aljan lehet feliratkozni!

Par hetig nem voltam a sajat gepemnel, igy 2 het adomanyozoi lemaradtak a listarol, elnezesuket kerem!


D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 155 Food to your storage.
kisferi314 has transfered 100 HUF to your account.
prodranet has transfered 500 HUF to your account.
prodranet has transfered 1000 HUF to your account.
prodranet has transfered 1000 HUF to your account.
Baldur Bendeguz has transfered 50 BRL to your account.
D.Sanyi has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
MasterForceChief has transferred 32 Weapons to your storage.
MasterForceChief has transferred 400 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
Erep Severi has transferred 3 Food to your storage.
cooty has transferred 400 Food to your storage.
Darth Atheel has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Rockstarhun has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 155 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 155 Food to your storage.
gyika has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
gyika has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
gyika has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
gyika has transferred 25 Food to your storage.
Szankcio has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
kakucs has transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
Maris75 has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
Fightagangsta has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
vizi zsivi has transferred 400 Food to your storage.
csumbe has transferred 15 Weapons to your storage.
mobra has transferred 3500 Food to your storage.
Mogyi has transfered 2 GOLD to your account.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 155 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
Samuel Hedgehog has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 150 Food to your storage.
Manitou has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
Mvhely has transfered 500 HUF to your account.
Mvhely has transfered 91 VEB to your account.
tonyo2011 has transfered 380 HUF to your account.
tonyo2011 has transfered 7 GOLD to your account.
tonyo2011 has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
tonyo2011 has transferred 3 Weapons to your storage.
tonyo2011 has transferred 61 Food to your storage.
Attila14 has transfered 3000 HUF to your account.
Bandi0717 has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
Bandi0717 has transferred 30 Weapons to your storage.
kispisti007 has transfered 100 HUF to your account.
Gregus Hedvik has transfered 1 CNY to your account.
hubertotto has transfered 3 GOLD to your account.
I. David has transferred 150 Food to your storage.
lovasz has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 150 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 150 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 130 Food to your storage.
szelodke has transferred 40 Weapons to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
zuterzt has transfered 200 HUF to your account.
YceBear has transferred 40 Food to your storage.
Irimi has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
hubertotto has transfered 2 GOLD to your account.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 90 Food to your storage.
Gabor Balazs has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
Ahanybika has transferred 730 Food to your storage.
Voldemort78 has transfered 2000 HUF to your account.
Tarsolytestver has transferred 243 Food to your storage.
Tarsolytestver has transferred 1844 Food to your storage.
DivineLard has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
DivineLard has transferred 400 Food to your storage.
Mvhely has transfered 1 GOLD to your account
Mvhely has transfered 200 HUF to your account.
Mvhely has transfered 70 PLN to your account.
Mvhely has transferred 13 Weapons to your storage.
NSatan has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
stLhee has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
felsobanyai has transfered 2 GOLD to your account.
Maris75 has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
rallg has transfered 200 HUF to your account.
FaraoHun has transferred 108 Food to your storage.
Darth Atheel has transfered 9.9 HUF to your account.
Maris75 has transfered 4.5 GOLD to your account.
Ginaah has transfered 5.5 GOLD to your account.
bornemisza.attila has transfered 500 HUF to your account
bornemisza.attila has transferred 400 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 40 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 90 Food to your storage.
zimmezumm has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
Irimi has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Szankcio has transferred 213 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 40 Food to your storage.
Sad.hu has transfered 100 HUF to your account.
Sad.hu has transferred 2 Weapons to your storage.
I. David and Darth Atheel commented on your post.
I. David has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
portroyal5 has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
D.Sanyi has transferred 17 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 160 Food to your storage.
Szempy has transferred 360 Food to your storage.
Szempy has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
AliasSun has transferred 45 Weapons to your storage.
AliasSun has transferred 340 Food to your storage.
CheDavid has transferred 150 Food to your storage.
xongorx has transferred 150 Food to your storage.
PlayerP has transfered 40 HUF to your account.
PlayerP has transferred 25 Food to your storage.
Ollai Pal has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
mobra has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
mobra has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
Magyar Radaros Honved has transfered 34 HUF to your account.
Magyar Radaros Honved has transferred 124 Food to your storage.
Hungarian Soldier has transfered 200 HUF to your account.
TankAranka has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
TankAranka has transferred 150 Food to your storage.
TankAranka has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
Bandi0717 has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
I. David has transfered 75 HUF to your account.
I. David has transferred 250 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 17 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 160 Food to your storage.
i-tunes has transferred 386 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 40 Food to your storage.
AliasSun has transferred 170 Food to your storage.
AliasSun has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 17 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 160 Food to your storage.
AliasSun has transferred 15 Weapons to your storage.
AliasSun has transferred 727 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 130 Food to your storage.
svacher has transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
svacher has transferred 550 Food to your storage.
DivineLard has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 40 Food to your storage.
Bandi0717 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 14 Weapons to your storage.
D.Sanyi has transferred 130 Food to your storage.
Mvhely has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 40 Food to your storage.
AlterEgon has transfered 13 HUF to your account.
AlterEgon has transfered 44 PLN to your account.
AlterEgon has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
kisgarzo has transfered 0.58 GOLD to your account.
Frenk Ace has transfered 2 PLN to your account.
Frenk Ace has transfered 100 HUF to your account.
Radojica021 has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
motalbe has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Sultan s archer has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
LaserCopier has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
YceBear has transferred 40 Food to your storage.

Koszonjuk az adomanyokat!


*Jelenleg beteltek a helyek!

A 400 wellnesses munkahelyekből 1 felszabadult, tehát várok egy kezdő játékost, akinek napi 400 wellnessre való kenyeret biztosítok! A fegyver nyersanyag cegekbe gyertek!
Kérlek titeket, hogy részesítsétek előnyben az általam piacra kitett tankokat, az így befolyó összeg is BoRoNa-alapba megy!

Önkéntes munkára várunk a BoRoNa-alap bányáiba és tank gyárába. Ha segíteni szeretnél, de nincs miből adakozz, akkor ne habozz, gyere es dolgozz legalább egy napot! Minimálbért és kaját tudok biztosítani!

A búza cégbe is várunk szeretettel.

Köszönjük: Mobranak, Szempynek, ThomasT-nak, Peeteee-nek, Megiskinek, menard atya-nak, devidkenek, Kikericsy-nek, Rottlernek, Szisza00-nak, 30Tyranos-nak, DivineLard-nak, Zsimbora-nak, dellertke-nek, fimen-nek, AssAssyn-nak, shawnkaa-nak, frimen-nek, hamikaaa-nak es Darth Atheel-nek onkentes munkajukat😉

Kerlek iratkozzatok fel az ujsagra, mar nem sok hianyzik az MM medalig !

Emlekeztetnem a kedves kepviselo urakat es holgyeket, hogy ne felejtsek el teljesiteni a havi 1 nap kozmunka kotelezeteguket, ezt megtehetik akar itt is a BoRoNa-alap cegeiben🙂

A BoRoNáról bővebben.

Kerlek adakozzatok! Minden adomanyra szukseg van!

Mibbiten: Itt talalsz
Hasznos linkek:


http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/magyar-kozony-200207/1 Tomjohnson

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/wolf-mind-246446/1 Olvastar

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/tank-ari-kuszasagai-259797/1 TankAranka

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/point-of-view--236604/1 Mandala Ferdis

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/open-letter-195905/1 Macskassy Gordon

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/a-barkasember-hangja-192361/1 Zsolt Patakhy

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/fontostalan-dolgok-244044/1 Krameri

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/gondolatok-200345/1 Deesing

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/ve-ren-vett-orsza-g-251718/1 Rottler

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/nemzeti-gazdasa-g-261482/1 TTomax

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/geoidd-248232/1 GeOrgo

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/i-m-not-perfect-228324/1 Gabriel Balogh

http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/defeating-romper-agrave-la-thailand-1849801/1/20 Karlista

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/leg--260409/1 mobra

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/red-lion-259303/1 Hercegno

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/ekellene-olvasni-258944/1 lazo

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/nightwatch-hirlap-251403/1 Bandi0717

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/hidegzuhany-250455/1 Ivanyos78

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/random-articles-245570/1 Alex Tailor 89

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/aftermath-242408/1 Ernst von Jacob

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/magyar-tarka-259987/1 Mvhely

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/leves-esetei-261273/1 Levesezredes

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/magyar-f-gyelo-260944/1 Magyar Radaros Honved

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/just-saying-247153/1 Botondd

http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/szajmon-bacsi-mondja--241317/1 kisgarzo

http://www.erepublik.com/hu/newspaper/egy-elmebeteg-naplo-ja-238743/1 Frenk Ace

http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-bf-shanghai-buk-sa-xi--1839939/1/20 Darth Atheel

Segítsünk nekik a Média mogul medálért.

Ne felejtsétek!

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Ui: Az uj arculatot Darth Atheel tervezte, koszonjuk munkajat! Tovabbi otleteket es kivitelezest is szivesen fogadunk!