[BHPR] The June Budget, it's your money America....

Day 1,662, 20:59 Published in USA USA by Dru Blood
From my friends bar stool at his poolside wet bar...
The Pusher Man ~ Steppenwolf
Bonus Music: Longest drum solo ever....
In A Gadda Da Vida ~ Iron Butterfly
Saw these guys at a place called ‘Filthy McNasty’s’ the same night I met my wife.

For the American citizens who do not go the eUnited States Forums, whether it is due to the name calling trolls or you are simply not interested, I felt it important to make you aware of this months budget. In the thread Ask the President of the United States I asked that read only access to the ‘private’ Congressional forum be granted to all citizens, I will let you decide if their reasons for not doing so are legit. Currently there is a budget being debated behind the closed doors of Congress, it is kind of silly that the debate is considered ‘private’ when anyone can see the budget. Why would the Pfeifferist not want America to see who is voting for and against the budget. Might it be they do not want America to see that any dissent is trolled into silence? Maybe they wish to keep secret the fact that even though America has not voted Pfeiffer into Congress it is he that controls Congress? I have published the budget and expressed my opinion of the various line expenditures, as you can see the budget looks much like the Mousetrap above; feel free to express yourself, but most importantly be sure to tell the Congressperson you elected how you feel about the June budget.

I. Executive
Line U1. MPP Costs $ 80,000
Line U2. Media Department $ 12,500
What is Line U2 paying for? This should be broken down into line items showing who is getting paid and why or eliminated completely.

II. Defense
Line U3. Armed Forces $ 1,700,000
Line U4. OMS $ 30,000
Again Line U4 needs line items showing which MUs received this funding and how it was spent. Currently the Sons of Liberty are the only MU receiving this funding, however the reopening of the Office of Militia Support is being discussed currently.

Line U5. Resistance War Fund $ 210,000
Eliminate. What is this paying for and shouldn't this be combined with Line U7 anyway?

Line U6. Arm America Stockpile $ 100,000
Eliminate. Again shouldn't this Line and Line U5 be a part of Line U7?

Line U7. Gold Tanking $ 200,000 (~100g)
Eliminate. IMO this makes it seem as though the Government is paying for individuals to earn Battle and Campaign Hero medals. At the very least this should be broken down to line items showing who received this gold.

Line U8. Infrastructure $ 164,800 (~60g)
Eliminate. This is a joke right? It is individual citizens, not the Government, who actually hold the infrastructure and I know of no guidelines concerning who may/may not receive this funding. Plus who's to say they won't build the companies and then leave.

Line U9. DoD Orders Votes $ 25,200
This would not even be necessary had the Top 5 not been brought back, but oh well...

III. Interior
Line U10. Dept. of Int. $ 50,000
For what? Once more line items showing how these funds are being used or totally eliminated.

IV. Treasury
Line U11. Reserve $ Remainder

Total budgeted funds: $ 2,602,500 / week

Lines U5 and U9 will be designated as such so that the executive may not stockpile money from this line. IE, the Executive may not request funds so that it has more than the standard disbursement for the line on hand at any time.

Line U7 will be designated to provide gold for damage. Any disbursements under this fund will be reported to the full Congress. This shall be managed by the Secretary of Defense in a manner to ensure at least 20 gold is added to the available Tanking Reserve each day.

Line U8 will be designated to provide for the purchase and upgrade of raw material companies or food/weapons factories. An SCI thread will be maintained of all disbursements from this line. Additionally, the purchase or upgrade of a factory must be approved through a full, non-emergency vote of the SCI.

Bartender, Kentucky Bourbon, neat...

I am Dru Blood and I may be crazy, but I’m just saying...
it's your money America...!

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