[BfB] a Military Unit for Education ?

Day 1,255, 14:27 Published in Belgium Belgium by BfB Organisation

a Military Unit for Education ?

The new Congress of eBelgium have been elected only 2 days ago, but the Congressmembers are already working hard !

A BfB congressmember have made an interesting proposal to help our country to grow and to have more new players who decide to continue playing after their first days...

The goal of this proposal is to create a new "Military Unit", but only for new players, and dedicated to Education !

The idea is to offer something exciting for the new players (to be part of a Military Unit), and to use this communication tool to "educate" them, using the shouting system to link them tutorials, to inform them of game mechanics, to propose some "missions" to win free foods (like going on irc, etc...), and to create a bond between the new generation of players.

There is for now only one MU in eBE, it's the military unit of the Belgian Army, and there is currently 41 pending applications, and most of them are from low level players, who found this MU in there first days way before they found our forum (if they have find it 😁).

The "problems" of this proposal is that a Military Unit cost 40g and that the Leader can't be changed. Elynea, which could be described as "the mother of eBelgium", our current under-Minister of Home Affairs, department of Education, have been proposed to be the leader of the MU and to lead this projects in the next months.

The debate thread of this proposal can be found here :

After 32h of debates, we could draw these conclusions :
- some congressmembers think that it could be great idea
- some congressmembers think that it could be a good idea but that spending 40g for it is too much
- some congressmembers think that it's not a good idea at all and that we don't have money for that

Some citizens also said that they will be more than happy to donate some few golds to help funding this new MU and to see this project for new players becoming a reality, and that's why we are now publishing this article !

Before to propose a vote for the funding of the MU in the Congress on the forum, we would like to raise some donations from private citizens to help us funding this MU and to reduce the cost for the State of eBelgium !

If you think that the idea of a MU for the newbies is a good idea, that you would like to see more new citizens becoming active, and that you could miss some golds, feel free to donate them here :

Bfb Organisation - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/3071480
(if the Congress refuse to fund the other part of cost of the MU, the donations will be given back to the donors)

Let's help our new players and offer them a Military Unit with an Education project !
We can help them becoming active !

In advance, thanks for your donations and for your generosity !

The donations received will be listed here :
- Cotarius : 2 Gold
- Olv007 : 5 Gold
- MrPeanuts : 5 Gold
- ThomasRed : 3.5 Gold
- Aldous Zamiatin : 2 Gold
- Mikhail Alexander : 1 Gold
- Potier : 3 Gold
- mattt09 : 1 Gold
(if you don't want to be listed, send a pm to our org)

(if you can't donate gold to the BfB org because of the 10g transaction limit per day, you can donate them to ThomasRed)

The Belgium for Belgians Party

On a sidenote, our party would like to congratz two of our old members, Mittekemuis and Pieter557, for their eWedding ! Best wishes !