[Benelux Party] Danger for PTO !

Day 756, 07:05 Published in Netherlands United Kingdom by Apotygma

My best Belgian citizens,

This is a call to all of you. A call to all of you who are tired of being under foreign oppression. As all of you know, I am candidate to the presidency of the Benelux Party. The Benelux Party is the only party here in Belgium that is working for you.

The Benelux Party is a party that is working to make our country a better place, a party that is working towards the motto : Belgium for Belgians. But this is in danger and we need YOUR help.

My opponent isn't a Belgian. He is Polish and it is not the first time he tries to take over our beloved Party. We don't know what his exact intentions are, but he is not one of us. Not one working hard to make this place better. Not one fighting against the Polish. Not one...

So please join our party and vote for Apotygma.

Apotygma the only true Belgian candidate for Party Presidency. So clic on the button bellow and come vote for Belgium.

Thank you very much,

Belgium for Us
Belgium for Belgians.

Please also vote HERE so that they can read this in Belgium.
