[Beea] Today is my 1000th day.

Day 1,455, 00:07 Published in USA USA by Beea

I had a conversation with someone on IRC. I felt that this needed to be said. If it gets me banned well it has to be said. I just hope you all get a chance to copy this paper to blast eRep if they delete this article.

The RL-USA has freedom of the press. I have to fight for this freedom. Well here it is.

I changed the name to protect the innocent and took out any possibility of there being any form of advertising.

The point is until eRep Admin gives up the master control and make this a place to spend time in open discussions and doing what they like doing rather then what Admin think they should do this place just is a waist of time.

Beea> Yes, I play eRep

OtherPerson> what’s your name on eRep

OtherPerson> ?

Beea> Beea

OtherPerson> which country are you fighting for?

Beea> US

OtherPerson> yeah 😃

OtherPerson> I’m from Serbia

OtherPerson> 😃

Beea> What’s your name in eRep

OtherPerson> (Name of person)

OtherPerson> wow you play long eRep

OtherPerson> you're strong!

Beea> Yes, I am just about to hit 1000 days

Beea> I work and train daily

OtherPerson> I play eRep from (Recent Start Date)

Beea> Your doing well.

OtherPerson> I work, train, fight every day

OtherPerson> thanks

Beea> When I started it seemed like every time I got to 29 work days the system would go down. It was very frustrating!

OtherPerson> eRep is much better then the other game

Beea> No! the other game is much better. We have more freedom in the other game. I hate eRep! But I have played so long I hate to quit

OtherPerson> will you quit?

Beea> I don't plan to in the near future. I keep hoping it will change. It use to be a great game.

OtherPerson> what would you change in eRep?

Beea> Unfortunately eAdmin likes to control the game play. Every time it starts getting fun they change it so you can't. They destroyed the economic system. I don't think they can ever fix that. I use to love running my companies.

Beea> I had only a couple back then now I have way more then I like

Beea> I find having employees to be a pain now days

OtherPerson> Serbia and Poland are attacking USA now and we have some of your territory, are you afraid that Serbia and Poland take all your territories?

OtherPerson> sorry for my bad English

Beea> I never cared about the military part of eRep. If they take over I really don't care.

OtherPerson> that’s a real citizen 😉

OtherPerson> i love that 🙂

Beea> the other game I would care because of the take over. That was just wrong

Beea> I don't take RL politics into these games. If people are nice to me I am nice to them.

OtherPerson> yes

OtherPerson> same with me

OtherPerson> i wont buy sometimes friendship

Beea> In eRep I accept all friend request. I the other game I am a bit picky. I don't like to have to translate my friends languages if they are my friends.

Hopefully come Day 2455 I will like this game.



Sorry no pictures.