[Beaver4CP] My goals, part 6. Defense & Foreign Affairs [Serious Boobs!]

Day 1,991, 09:06 Published in Belgium Belgium by Beaverss Tribute to Raskol

Dear citizens,

There is the last article regarding my program ; I will give you my priorities for defense & foreign affairs.

My goals for our defense:

- Continue the priorities system

- Get back the BTA by asking to Swaqcorryn politely

- Creation of a tutorial for how to supply in war time (could permit to have more efficient supplies & win our battles in spending less money & more easily)

- Public program to improve citizens’ strength: STRENGHT IS THE STRENGHT in this game. It’s essential that eBelgians get more ot it!

Concerning MoFA, I want a Department which take contacts with all the ecountries through a huge network of ambassadors, because with an airstrike, attacks can come from everywhere in the eworld so we cannot just have diplomatical relations with our neighbours. Nevertheless, every time eBelgium has attempted to set up an ambassador program so far, the same evolution ensue😛 after a lot of publicity a few people were found, a few embassies were founded, a small number were updated once and one or two maintained for a month, until it died out... We have to accept that eBe cannot maintain a classic ambassador program. However, we can set up a reverse ambassador program. It’s easier to have a contact FROM a foreign nation who is our lead towards us and our de facto ambassador. It could be compared to the old system of consuls used by non-European nations in Europe. By having a local as “consul”, they ensure our knowledge in the debates and still keep in touch. Coordination will be the magic word!

A new war is coming & I want eBelgium to be strong & to position ourselves in these new geopolitical configuration. I think we should make relations abroad by speaking to players, posting fun presentations on other countries’ forums, etc. It could show & convince that the Belgian are awesome & really nice and that they shouldn’t consider us as a target. This cultural program is the most important project I will set up for the future of our nation!

Thanks for reading,

Beaver, CP candidate.