[BE] Update: Foreign Affairs (4)

Day 1,463, 01:49 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Dear citizens,

Yesterday night, a rogue member of the British Congress launched a natural enemy proposal against us. This was just a matter of protocol for the British Congress to refuse. They have 34 Congress Members, and 20 voted against now, so it cannot pass.

Belgian CM's may safely vote No and not go to war with the UK.

The Belgian Congress now expressed 16 No votes, effectively cancelling the NE proposal on both sides. Thanks for the fun and for everyone's cooperation!

This was indeed just a storm in a teacup.

[FR] Ce n'était en effet qu'une tempête dans un verre d'eau - Membres du Congrès: votez Non svp.

[NL] Het was inderdaad slechts een storm in een glas water - Congresleden: stem Nee aub.

Ward De Bever
President of the Belgians