"Be Indian, Buy Indian" or Would it be.... "Be EIndian, Buy EIndian"

Day 683, 02:49 Published in India India by 96 Android street
Author's forewor😛

Heya folks!!! This article is dedicated to our beloved Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. Lets not forget what he said...... "Be Indian, Buy Indian"

Dont skip the article, if u find it too long. I personally do skip long lectures... lolz. I want you to read the article, vote if u like dats all ... I don't like to beg of you for subscriptions. I don't need subscriptions your anyway. There is a sort of guessing competition at the end of this article, participate if u like.


This is my first article in Erepublik. Just wondering u know...if only I were rich, I would have gone for those expensive ads and stuff. It took me so long to create an org all by myself and there is is no need to say that these ads are beyond my means and indeed the same gold can be put to good use in many ways. So without any hype, here it goes.

Indian Economy:

As the name suggests, we are going to discuss the Indian economy today or to be precise the Q1 food industry in India (I tend to use India rather than Eindia, hope u understand).

Below here are the Q1 food companies currently active and running in India and their stocks.
Rice for India ~~~ 160
SBI Dal-Batee-Churma ~~~ 15
Dhaba Express ~~~ 27
Eatwell, Inc ~~~ 16
Andhra Food ~~~ 965
SIL Food 90+ Wellness ~~~ 308
Tieto Food ~~~ 85

Q1 food industry has never been a piece of cake for Indian businessmen. Trust me guys, its gonna be as hell as ever. The above listed companies are the ones who have their stocks on the market or the ones with atleast one undead employee. The q1 food stocks in India count up to around 1600 + .... Any idea how long it takes for a nation sadly as small as India to clear up those stocks without shutting down all our companies !!!!!!

Baby feeding:

Not long ago, admins have announced that "Baby feeding is Legal" All baby feeders and Q1 food co owners will get to know this better. Yay!!! One more reason to jump for joy. Am sure many might have jumped at it (baby feeding) when the admins declared it as legal. So simple it is... get a friend of yours to join the game somehow and if the guy discontinues feed him Q1 food everyday until he reaches level 6 and there you are... taddaaaa u are a society builder now .... you are now known as a Society Builder. This City is what it is because our citizens are what they are....blah blah... 😛

The method can earn u 5 gold per friend of yours in a short term of 35 days at the maximum. 😁

Those all of you who started feeding please stop it, its gonna get you anymore gold from now on... 🙁 The latest update from the admins reads as follows "day 685 of the New World, by eating food citizens will no longer receive 1 XP. Instead, they'll receive 2 XP by "training," hence the total amount of received XP remains the same." Surely, this a big blow for Q1 food industry globally including India.


1.Clueless about the number of babyfeeders, but sure that the excistent q1food demand in India is gonna go down as a consequence.
2.Q2 food company owners are planning to reduce the prices as well. That means more competition !!!
3.Q3 companies have already reduced their prices.
4.Q5 sales picking up too.
5.Few days back, if u have read it already u might be well aware of the fact that Government has called upon all of its citizens to join the weapon companies rather than food companies.

Good Heavens ! Am still clueless 😮
God only knows what kind of mickey mouse business these guys are running ?!!!!!

Possible solutions:

1. Be Indian, Buy Indian
I see many leaving India now a days, not sure what the reason behind it might be. Some say they are mercenaries or leaving for a change or high salaries or whatever the reason be..... it isn't good at all. We write articles about Unity in Diversity and India United, what happened all of a sudden is so dejecting.
Please, I beg of you all come to India and stay here when we need you the most. Requesting all e-NRI's to fall back, if not fall back atleast buy your daily goods from the Indian market. Please buy Indian and save the Indian food industry.

2. Over production is something very frequently seen in Q1 industries.All Q1 food co owners, please try to hamper your production a bit by employing low skilled workers. This will decrease your profits YES, but at the same time, remember that this is the only way that lets all of you to survive.

3. Please those of you who have been longing to start a Q1 industry in India, note that India has already reached a sort of saturation point in all sectors. I know that u have been waiting so long to start a business in India, but this is not the time. If u think u can do it, u can do it ... YES !!! but please note that u are not doing any good to INDIA by opening up new companies.
We have a population of hardly 600 and around 200+ active. For such a small nation as us, we dont need 15 - 20 food companies squabbling in the market.

Alternatives :
Join Collaborative partnerships or business groups aimed at establishing high quality companies. Higher the quality of the company, higher the profits.... u can join the below groups if at your own discretion.

1. BroodRoosterNL's Indian Business Group
2. ArjaaAine's Business Group

4.I can't think of any ... suggest if u do have any. I will be editing my article from time to time ... and you get a special mention and a gift for doin so too.
NOTE : Feasible solution => 5 q2 food or a q2 weapon for a cheap price of 0.5 inr.

Prizes sponsored by Tricolor Group of Orgs

Many of you might know me.
Guess me and gain 0.2 gold ( *Conditions Apply😉

~1~ Each of you have just one guess, so be precise and think well before you take your step. Organizations can't participate.
~2~ Only those of you, who have voted and subscribed to this newspaper are eligible.
~3~ You should be able to produce a screenshot, on demand.
~4~Screenshot should be legible enough ie., date, day, number of votes and subscriptions etc.
~5~ Hurry up guys, coz only the first 5 guesses will be awarded 0.2 gold each 😛
~6~ Hint : If its too tough a job for you to find me out, just send a pm to this org about the same and a donation of 1.9 inr as well. Trust me guys, the hint is going to be damn simple and I hope 1.9 inr isn't much to afford for most of you big fishes.
~7~ Hinting the author by commenting below might lead to disqualification of the competition as a whole. Sorry guys, if am a bit rude about this.
~8~ Competition open to all EINDIANS. Come on guys show some enthusiasm.
~9~ Gold distribution shall happen once I receive my hardworker medal (today or tomorrow)