[Asgard HQ] Eyes on horizon

Day 2,218, 07:47 Published in Finland Finland by TheJuliusCaesar

[Näkyvyyden lisäämiseksi myös Suomen mediassa. Valitettavasti en käännöstä jaksanut naputella, pahoitteluni siitä. Alkuperäinen täällä]

As sun (depressingly) sets 15:30 and everlasting darkness folds Fennoscandia to its embrace, the time to wrap this term up like a christmas present slowly approaches. Since the last article, a lot has happened. HQ held a meeting where broader outlines for foreign policy were agreed, Lithuania was driven away from Fennoscandia, and Asgard leadership will go through some changes. Let's dig a bit deeper into these.

Asgard HQ held a meeting earlier this week in order to get HQ running smoothly after presidential elections and representative changes. As a result, HQ agreed on broad outlines regarding foreign policy for the upcoming term. This includes (along number of other things) ceasing to re-sign a MPP with Chile after their attack on our ally, Peru. HQ also talked about general geopolitical situation in the region and changed views regarding the matter.

Lithuania is gone! Huge bow for everyone who helped us to achieve yet another milestone in our warpath. After Lithuania was gone, and practically every region under enemy unagreed occupation liberated, it was time for payback. Sweden stinged themselves deep into the Latvian core regions, while Finland quickly liberated rest of their regions from Estoniana occupation and attacked Pohja-Eesti.
As a next step, HQ is negotiating with Poland about the future of Swedish and Norwegian regions currently under occupation of Polish Empire. We will inform you further once we proceed.

For the upcoming month, a major change on alliance leadership is taking place: during the next term we'll have (again) an experiment, in which Asgard will not have Supreme Commander. It is a step back to the very birth of Asgard, when there were no alliances in game - and therefore no need to have a SC in game. Asgard then had to change its leadership system due the need of SC in game mechanics. So in a nutshell, Asgard leadership will be democratic, equal combination of country representatives, who together make the decisions.
I will be continuing as in game "leader" of Asgard, as game mechanics still force us to have one. Still I don't have powers that other HQ representative don't, we are all equal. Therefore I will be acting as a representative of Finland in HQ during the upcoming term.

I guess that's it, my time as a Supreme Commander of Asgard has (at least for now) elapsed. Time for equality!

- TheJuliusCaesar