[ANN] Sunday News

Day 599, 21:52 Published in Australia Australia by ANN Network


Australian National News

"One Paper, One Voice, One Nation."


1. Bikie Gang Leaves Victim in Coma
2. Political Update
3. Minister of Defence visits Guantanamo Bay
4. Media Report
5. Cozlam declares 'Jihad' on the Government
6. Foreign Affairs
7. ANN OpinionPoll
8. eRepublik
9. ANN Sponsors

Bikie Gang Leaves Victim in Coma

A 49year old Male is fighting for his life in Saint Otto Hospital today after a vicious attack.
The feared bikie-gang, 'The Good Old Boys Club' has been labelled responsible for the crime and Police are searching for witnesses.

The Victim only known as Icey1174 was seen leaving a Gentlemens Club when the bikies pulled up to his side. Although facts on the confrontation itself is unknown, the victim was said to have thrown cash at the group before they brutally attacked him. Police have questioned three men about the attack, but have not pressed any charges relating to the incident.

A spokesperson for the gang spoke to the press about the incident but said the members involved with the altercation will not be punished.

Political Update

With the Party President Elections in two days, members will begin to divide in order to achieve party leadership. ANN understands some parties are still running internal primaries or votes, however the following candidates are registered so far:

Australian Democratic Socialist Party
- Kenelmn
- Ziczag

Australian National Party
- Sir_Constant
- Calibur

Australian Communist Party
- Garven Dreis

Australian Labor Party
- Jinpachi
- Icey1174

Australian Royalist Party
- LordTobio
- Preditorian

True Blue Party
- Corny-Ratbag

Liberal Party of Australia
- Mr Awesome
- Tim09

Australian Independants Party
- William Shafer

Minister of Defence visits Guantanamo Bay

A secret visit to Guantamo Bay turned into a nightmare for the Minister of Defence when he was accidentally detained for over two days.

Ranger Bob, Minister of Defence for the eAustralian government, had arrived at Cuba on a private charter-plane, before being led on a tour around the facility.
However, near the end of the tour, the Minister was mistaken for a in-mate and dragged into a vacant cell. The Minister is said to have participated in some of the facilities most famous activities during his ordeal. His absence was discovered by his wife and she immediately notified the authorities. The Department of Defence sent a representive to the base and he was released shortly after.

The eUS Military has written a formal apology over the incident and has vowed to take extra measures to prevent any future incidents. Meanwhile the eUS authorities are on the hunt for a escaped fugitive who used his similar appearance to the Minister as a means of escape. The escapee, only known as 'Al Sabuh Maref', managed to get on-board the Ministers aircraft, before travelling and arriving in Saudi Arabia.

After his release, The Minister was accepting of the entire event and even spoke highly of the treatment he received, "Being able to witness the the camp first-hand, allowed me the idea and knowledge to develop a Prisoncamp of our own..Hows eTasmania doing at the moment?"

Media Report

- Ranger Bob Thanks EVERYONE
Rather self-explanatory, a well-written note which thanks nearly everyone, including the admins.

- GM Records Online Launched!
Corny-ratbag has released the latest project in the world-famous Gm Records. The Gm Records Online is a helpful, easy to use system which is a priority for any aspiring manager.

- eEvolution vs Religion
Dr Vulpine expresses her opinion upon eReligion and the release of her new written documentary in this well-scribed article.

Cozlam declares 'Jihad' on the Government

Yesterday, a video which had been circulating across the internet was taken down from the website. The footage contained the uncontested leader of the movement, Cozza, denouncing the Anti-Cozlam approach by the eAustralia government and his declaration of a world-wide Jihad upon the democratic state.

Authorities have discredited the video by claiming the video was simply a tool for extremist propoganda. A spokesperson for the Department of Cultural Services has said that no member of the Government has any bias towards the religious sect, even going far as to claim
that a majority of Senators and Cabinet Members worship the religion.

Meanwhile, there has already been several attacks in response to the Jihad, with a well-known Cafe in Melbourne being burnt to the ground in a arson attack.
There has also been public outcry over a bombing which left a regional town without a source of education when their local school exploded.

The Zannite Royal Guard has made no offical response concerning the attacks as of yet, but Authorities are preparing for the worst and have deployed two divisions to local area's.

Foreign Affairs

The eAustralian Wargames have finally come to a halt after such a long time. With so much benefits, eAustralia is expected to organise a new one soon. The only issue then, is to make a decision on who to begin the wargames with and how long do we have to wait for it to begin?

Meanwhile, both the President of ePoland and the President of eSweden have been impeached.

Algaroth, The President of eSweden was impeached after it was confirmed that he would have little to no internet access during his term.
He has been replaced by Roteda.

Fartman, The President of ePoland was impeached due to lack of time commitment to the position. He has been replaced with aryss.

There has also been multiple articles informing the citizens of eUS to prepare for a oncoming invasion. One such article can be found here.

ANN OpinionPoll

What do you think about the Wargames?

"I think that is is a great way for lower level player (like I was) to gain experience and rank in the game. Also makes the game more interesting for newer players who would drop the game otherwise."

"Im kinda new here but once I discovered what war games were, how to get there and to battle properly I enjoyed it.. Please I want more wargames"

"Perfect, I just wish there was battles more often."

Son of Rambo
"I think the wargames have had a great effect on our economy.
The massive boost we can attribute to the general increase in wellness more than makes up for the cost of the Wargames.
That the military (and general public) also get stronger with each fight, makes them that much more important to Australia and are good reasons why they should continue."


"Well, having only just reached level 5, I just missed out on them. So I think I'd probably like eAus to do some more"

"Huge Success!!!"

"I think they are really good, and help out our economy and our countries wellness"


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Australian National News Sponsors:

- Advanced Interworks
- Empyrea Australia
- Optimus Australia
- E-Pub Enterprises

Please thank our Sponsors by buying all their Products where possible.