++American Power and Glory++

Day 468, 17:13 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe
Good Evening Americans,

The March Presidential elections are fast approaching. There are several contenders for President this time. I know it will be a good race, and a very interesting one as well. That being said, I want to wish everyone involved the best of luck, its been cool getting to know you all.
I write to you tonight, with the hope that you will vote for Sam and I for the March term. Here is why.

This past month has been an eventful one to say the least. Sam and I have pushed for several programs.

Nationalizing a few weapons companies to strengthen the ability of our Military to become as cost effective and organized as possible was priority one. Why? Most powerful nations in this game use similar methods. Its been debated heavily in the forums and the general consensus is that it will work. Due to the fact that Congressional debates take time it has yet to be implemented. I urge Congress to pass this so we can continue to bolster America's military might. These kind of companies are essential to provide our fighting force with cheaper weapons and as a means to stockpile weapons. Despite the cries of socialism, these weapons were never intended to be released into our market. They will used to equip our soldiers, and be exported to allies.

The President as worked to improve relations with the Military and we are beginning to become far more organized and powerful.

ABOA, (American business owners association) a program I proposed to Uncle Sam within the first week of our term, has also been started.
The goal of this association is to provide a platform for business owners to voice their opinions to Congress and the President. We have recently begun to offer loans to companies interested in exporting, a crucial aspect of a strong nation. We currently have around 30 members registered, most of whom own multiple companies. There is still work to be done here, and we will continue to grow the program.

Uncle Sam also funded the Meals on Wheels program started by Congress and it too is growing. This program's intent is to supply food to those who need a little help with wellness boost. Free grub to free up some cash to buy gifts. If you need some help, visit the forums thread here to receive aid.


Finally, we have brought you war! Many many citizens have been able to boost wellness this month. Many scream IMPERIALISM! That's fine, Americans should be vocal about important matters such as this. The simple fact is this. We need to fight to improve our strength and it boosts our economy. All powerful countries expand. The President and I wish to see the USA rise to be become a true powerhouse, and well my friends you can't do that without fighting.
We have seen more battles this month than any other since I've been around anyway(almost 5 months) and due to our overwhelming success in Mexico, we now have a "training ground" We can start a RW in the Mexican regions anytime we need a war boost. Mexico was a resounding success. As a result of our victory, we now have the ability to fight RW's whenever we see fit.
We have been able to bring war and greatly increase our military strength, while simultaneously boosting our Treasury to well over 1000 gold. We have also worked to help organize our new "tank division"

The current discussions over Atlantis are being blown out of proportion by people for what ever reason. Yes technically we broke the treaty, but other nations have as well. I personally informed all Atlantis Presidents, but we had to act fast. The current outcry comes mostly from UK, stirred up by a man who no longer has any official position in the UK govt. We will remain in Atlantis.

Vote UncleSam/Joe DaSmoe on March 5th.
Lets continue to guide America on the path to becoming a stronger country.

Thanks for your time,