~ America's Guard of Honor: Vol1Ed1 ~

Day 748, 19:09 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
== Introduction ==

Presenting, to the United States of America and our EDEN allies, the 18th Airborne.


The Airborne, led by General TheSpartan and Executive Officer (XO) Channing, is the second-highest ranking combat group in the United States Armed Forces. Many would argue that what the Airborne lacks in strength it makes up for in camaraderie and activity. Indeed, the Airborne are consistently one of the highest performers at mass military strikes, often times having better attendance than the vaunted United States Marine Corps. Indeed, while rivals, the USMC and the AB fight not against each other but against a common enemy; together in triumph and defeat. The competition fostered by the two highly competitive branches serves only to better our Armed Forces.

The Airborne is divided into two divisions, the 82nd and the 101st. Each has several subservient platoons where eager, angry killing machines exist. As retired Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Eugene Harlot sai😛 "The [Airborne] exists to eat gold and shit damage". The Airborne doesn't tank -- it doesn't need to. 5 fights is enough to force even the most willing foe into submission. Former Politicians (Presidents, Vice Presidents, the like) and lifelong soldiers (the blood of the Armed Forces) mix to combine a fighting force unmatched by any on eRepublik. A close-knit force led by General Spartan, the Airborne represents the strongest of the strong and the elitist of the elite.

Are you ready to stop, as former Vice President One Eye said, &quot😉icking around"? Are you ready to quit politics and find your true calling in the game? It's time, soldier. It's time. "If you're not doing damage, you're just dicking around." If you're interested in joining the Airborne, click here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEV1cTdTLUhUVkhmeGRTbThrVGQzV3c6MA

== Interview with Commanding Officer, Gen. Spartan ==

1. When and why did you start to play eRepublik?

I was playing NationStates and saw an advertisement for this Beta game called eRepublik so I researched it and liked the war aspect then sent in my e-mail to see if they'd let me in on the. (Yes I'm that old.) A few days later on the 21st of September 2008 I was accepted in and began two-clicking.

2. You have recently succeed to Maxxi to lead the Airborne Squad, What is it like to be the General of the Airborne, what do you do?

Becoming General of the Airborne has been a dream come true. I firmly believe we have a tight knight group of guys that have recently demonstrated to the world we are the best the eUS has to offer and it is my great honor to lead such fine troops. As CO of Airborne I screen applicants, send for background checks, place troops, coordinate with the XO LTG Channing on day to day activities and troop activity as well as a close working relationship with the two division commanders to ensure that this well oiled machine continues to be highly effective. Apart from that I cover for the Quarter Master office to help supply troops as well as maintain my own personal spreadsheets for every soldier in Airborne.

3. Great!! We have seen how efficient is the Airborne is the recent RW around the Globe! And now, until recently you were working with Harlot and now your working with Gaius Julius. What the main difference between these guys?

Eugene Harlot is a living legend. A man I was intimidated to even talk to when I was named as the XO of Airborne but apart from that he's a brilliant military mind that I've looked up to since I was a private in the 82nd. He's more of a by-the-book kind of guy with a dry sense of humor. In contrast Gaius Julius keeps the JCS entertaining with his many colorful remarks regarding the various issues we discuss on a daily basis. They're both brilliant, effective leaders but GJ is way less intimidating.

4. Yah, Gaius reminds me Emerick when he was President with his good sense of humor. Talking politics, have you been involved in politics before? If yes, what make you decide to Join the Military instead?

I was a member of the Conservative Party for a period of time leading up to joining the military but I never got active on the forums or anything. After joining Airborne on the 13th of July 2009 I immediately resigned my membership with that party and since then I've grown to detest 99% of politicos. I believe political parties in this game are useless but I suppose they're a necessary evil. You'll never catch me involving myself with one again, however, and I just hope any aspiring politician remembers that without the military we'd still be down to Florida.

5. True that! And to stay in the same paths, witch one of the 2 candidates for the Dec. President Election you Want/Hope to see win?

While I think President Frost is doing an excellent job I would like to see Command Sergeant Major Jewitt win the election. He's brilliant, a jew, and we have a bromance. Plus he'll keep the tradition of Airborne presidents alive.

6. Back on Military now, Are you aiming to an higher Leading Position in the US Military later ?

I'm always up for a new challenge so I wouldn't mind being the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs some day. That of course is entirely up to my peers and if the opportunity never happens I'll happily stay in Airborne.

7. I am sure you will be CJCS one day since you are very dedicated and involved for this country! Now, Who is your closest friend on eRepublik and why?

Oh man this is a tough one. I have a close inner circle and have exchanged real life phone numbers with quite a few Airborne troops. If I had to choose I would have to say Lieutenant Colonel Apnea. We both came in around the same time and started out as privates then rose through the ranks and formed a close friendship. Since his promotion he's never let me forget anything pressing I need to attend to, is always eager to help with the slightest duty, and his amazing ability to write has helped me out on various occasions. If it weren't for him I probably would have fizzled out long ago.

8. That's excellent! Finally, what is the funniest story/fact you have seen or heard since you start playing eRepublik?

I may just have a twisted sense of humor but my favorite story was during WWIII when we tricked Indonesia with our NAP then gained the initiative, swept through the states they held one-by-one and finally on the second attempt drove them from California, to Hawai'i and back across the Pacific where they belong. That knocked them down a peg or two. A close second would be when I led the eUS forces on a coordinated strike late at night and with Airborne spearheading the attack we liberated Western Australia from Indo oppression as well. That was a fun night.

Well Thank you General Spartan for your time, I let you head back o your dutie now 😃

Thank you for your continuing contributions to Airborne SGT Brouillette. o7

== Tradition ==

Not as good as older sis, but hey, we'll let her pass.

O7 over and out